CH 19: First time for everything

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Driving back to the motel was quiet peaceful, the silence in the air was something I've missed alot, i know i used to hate it but now i crave it more and more, i love my family to death but it gets tough around them especially when they expect me to be the rock, i might not have a soul but i can still feel but i don't think they understand it, lost in my thoughts i didn't see the girl standing on the middle of the road until the last minute, i pressed on the break making the car screech and swerve stopping instantly the woman still standing in the same place, pissed off i got out of the car screaming

"What the fuck!?! Are you trying to kill me?!" Ibgot closeer and saw her clearer

"Misty?" She looked calm while i was freaking out in the inside

"Not really, princess!" i looked at her confused

"Excuse me?" She smirked

"I'm not this misty person right now, shes a little....tied up so to speak" she said waving her hands smirking

"Who are you?" Her stupid smirk still on her face

"Someone you should fear" i watched her standing in-front of me her stance was different, more confident her voice loud and proud and the powerful to posses a fairy, she didn't want to face me yet either she isn't powerful than i thought or she has some kind of plan for me

"Why posses her?" She laughed

"Fairies are easily manipulated especially this one, she was so easy" she laughed again

"What do you want?" I felt this weird feeling like i needed to go now

"You!...but not now" she said i raised an eye brow

"I don't swing that way" she stopped laughing then she glared at me

"Im not a woman if that's what your implying!" My eyes almost bulged out then i started laughing so hard

"Haha...yeah so funny now, but wait till you see what i did" i stopped laughing looking at her/him

"What did you do?" He smiled

"Go see!" Then they disappear into thin air i didn't wait a second i ran to my car and drove off fast, as i reach the motel the door was open, off its hinges i jumped to the second floor in-front of our door then the smell of blood hits me

"No.." i slowly made my way in to see the whole room trashed blood every were bodies laying here and there all unknown people then i saw her laying there not moving

"Anna!" I ran to her side picking her up

"Anna...wake up!" I said shaking her she slowly opened her eyes and saw me

"I tried" she said slowly tears pouring out of both our faces i know she was telling she tried to save Nina and jenny seeing as they weren't around

"Its ok Anna" i said holding her head steady, looking her over for injuries, she had a couple of gun shots and stab wounds and it was serious, she lost alot of blood too

"Anna i can help you...just say yes!" I said she had trouble breathing now, her body was getting cold and her heart was beating slower than normal

"Say yes!!" I screamed looking at her she opened her mouth but nothing came out

"Tab your finger once for yes, if not don't move" i watched her finger but it didn't move i wanted her too move it to say yes, i wasn't ready to lose her not ever

"Please anna" i begged she started gasping for air

"Say yes Anna!" I begged again, her heart now even more slower as she breathed out her last breath

"No Anna!" I grabbed her hand squeezing it crying, feeling my heart break then her hand slowly tapped once then she closed her eyes and her heart stopped, i didn't waste time i bit in to her doing the whole giving blood process, after that i carried her to the bed and laid her there then i laid down beside her crying, its my first time turning someone so i wasn't sure if it'll work, i hoped that it'll work i couldn't imagine life without my best-friend, i pulled her body close to me then i cried myself to sleep with her in my arms

"Crystal" i heard a distant voice calling me

"Crystal" then my body started to shake i slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of pale blue eyes staring back at me i stood up fast to see Anna sitting on the bed looking at me

"Anna?" She smiled at me she looked diffrent

"Hey!" She waved her hand getting off the bed fast using her new found speed

"Whoa!" she looked at the floor ab back at me

"im working on normal speed" she smiled, i took her in my arms and hugged her tight

"I thought i lost you!" I said and she rubbed my back

"Im ok...but we need to do a rescue" i pulled back looking at her shocked

"Nina and jenny?" She looked to the dead bodies that are now drained of blood

"I told them to run but before they could escape they captured them" she said looking at me now

"Who are they?" She shrugged her shoulder

"I don't know but i saw which way they took them, maybe we could pick up their scent" i nod putting aside my excitement and focusing on Nina and jenny

"Are you up for a rescue?" She looked at me and smile

"Oh im ready!" I nod walking out jumping to the ground followed by Anna who is having so much fun with her new strength i took out he duffel bag that was in the trunk opening it up to reveal all kinds of weapons

"are we going to use them?" She asked confused

"Not at all times only when needed" she nods smiling like a fool

"Ready?" She smiled holding a ump .45

"Lets rock their world!" She said

"Don't have to much fun" i closed the trunk putting my weapons around my body, i turned to look at Anna she nods signaling that shes ready, we started walking then we used our speed and run into the forest, with one thing in our mind...kill!

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora