CH 16: Strong

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Have you ever been in love? Like really in love, where you feel like you would die for the one you love, if you have then you would understand the feelings i have for him, but have you ever had your heart broken? If you have the you could imagine the pain, the sorrow and the heartbreak, its no joke its no fairy tale or a emotion you read in a book, its real and it hurts

"Honey whats the matter? You been sitting there staring into space for 8 hours" said Anna concerned, i haven't told them about Daniel, and i don't think they know him just yet

"Is she ok?" Asked jenny worried and scared, i wanted to just lock herbup and keep her away from all the pain in the world, but what is pain but an emotion that will motivate you to keep going and that is what i should be doing keep going, make an example for jenny but i do not have the strength to move

"Im really worried, what happened back there" said Nina her voice worried, i wanted to just jump up and tell them in fine but again i couldn't move the pain has shifted from emotion to physical

"Anna could i talk to you...outside" asked Nina walking outside Anna stroked my hair and kissed my forehead

"Be back hon" then she followed Nina leaving me with freaked out jenny, she stared at me i know cause i could feel her eyes on me

"Whats the matter with you?" She suddenly burst making me jump alittle i looked up to her she looked pissed off

"What?" I asked my voice cracking she threw her cup to the wall and it broke into pieces, Anna and Nina ran in looking around to see me shocked and jenny shaking with anger

"What happened?" Asked anna looking at jenny

"Stop babying her! Shes a fucking grown woman who is stronger than anything in this world! And what ever your dealing with crystal....get the fuck up and fucking deal with it! Stop acting like a fucking baby! And do what you do!!!" Then she took the other cup and threw it breaking to pieces then she walked out i sat there shock to my bone, i have never seen her act like that

"That bitch! I will show her-"

"No!" I spoke interrupting Anna she turned to look at me

"She just...just give her time" i said dropping the blanket that was covering me and made my way around the glass on the floor

"Where you going?" Asked Anna

"To talk to her" i said walking out to see jenny sitting under a tree i made my way over and sat next to her not saying a word after a while she spoke

"Im sorry" she didn't look at me

"Dont were right" then she turned to look at me confused

"I just couldn't find the courage to get up and fight, i have lost my way after seeing....but that doesn't matter your big speech in there" she laughed and i smiled

"It made me realize that this isn't who i am, I'm a fighter and when something happens i just keep going that's me, not the end of the world sit back and mope" she laughed again

"So what you say....wanna get back in the game and safe some innocence?" I asked getting up holding my arm down to her she looked at me then at my hand then she smiled and grabbed my hand as i pulled her up

"and next time don't break anything!" I said and she laughed

"Well it was something i wanted to do for a long time and it seem to be the right time to try it!" She said shrugging which made me laugh

"You are such a weirdo" she smiled

"Just like you!" She said and i smiled shaking her hair like a kid and she pouted fixing her hair and walking away i stood there watching her bounce her way to the house, and i wondered if i could ever have the pleasure of being a mom to my own kids, Having my little mini me's running around, i smiled at that thought

"Are you coming?" I shook my head and looked at jenny

"yeah coming!" I said walking away from a distant vision playing in-front of me, the pain still linger from earlier but i have to be strong for them, i need to be the strong one.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Where stories live. Discover now