CH 27: An angel is born

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A mother is a person who puts her time into things, a mom is who is there for you when you fall, a mother protects you when you are scared or lonely. What your mom does she does not have to do for you but she does it anyway because she loves you very very much and you are her baby girl/boy so always appreciate what your parents do for you.

Im i will be challenging a fate and im scared, i dont have much confident in me to know that i could beat his ass, i may be his destruction, but his been collecting powers and who knows what kind, he is now powerful enough to end me and that is why im scared, but i cant say it i cant tell them that im scared cause they are too, and if i say it then we all break down before the battle and we cant do that....we just cant

"are you ok?" she looked up at me her smile on her face but i could see the fear in her eyes

"yup im good" she said faking it

"jenny, i understand if your scared, i will also understand if you stayed" i wanted her to stay i wanted her to be safe, and alive i wanted all of them to stay but i cant convince them

"no! im coming and that is final crystal, i am scared but not about the scared of losing you" she said looking back to the bag she was packing

"im scared of you losing the baby too" she said looking to my stomach that is now huge

"i wont lose the baby jenny" i said sitting next to her with my one arm on her shoulder

"i know they did some mojo thingy on your baby to protect it but i cant stop the feeling like...." she stopped herself and looked at me her eyes glossy

"someones gonna die" she said i felt it too, i felt that eerie feeling that something is gonna happen

"well how bout this....i promise you that noones gonna die" i said looking at her giving her a smile she looked at me then shook her head

"i dont think its gonna be simple as a promise, i just....just watch your back please" she said looking at me worried and i nod

"i will and you too" she nods and went back to packing, she wasnt relaxed as usual she was more on edge like she was anticipating something, i can see that we all feel that way but i will make sure we come out alive

"im gonna check on the others" she nods still focusing on her packing i got up slowly and out of breath, i dont know if i can do this, with my stomach this big even just a small movement im out of breath as i neared sam and anna i felt a pain in my stomach i stopped and took a breath, then it happened again only this time it was followed by a big splash of water i looked down to see the water on the floor

"crystal?" i looked up to anna my eyes wide

"whats wrong?" asked sam looking at me concerned

"its time" i said then another shot of pain erupted in my stomach as i held on the the wall

"oh my god!! uhhh...sam go get towels and water...jenny!!" anna started screaming orders while walking me to the bed laying me down

"breath crystal" she said as i started sweating screaming from the pain

"ok sam hold her hand and her upper body, jenny you stay here and help me...jenna keep getting the water" she sat near my legs looking between my legs as i was screaming squeezing sams hand


"its on crystal" he said stroking my hair, as i was screaming from the pain i had this small feeling that daniel was here, it made me feel a little better that even in death he could be here for the birth, i was pregnant long before this, vampires pregnancy are slow, until the 6th month then it grows in 3 days so i been pregnant all along, when i woke up i was shocked with the whole big stomach but sam explained it to me

"one more push crystal" said anna the pain was excruciating but i know i had to do it, i wanted it to come out i wanted to know what it was, i wanted to hold it, a cry was echoed through out the house as it came out

"its a girl!" said anna tears pouring out of her eyes as she held the baby cutting stuff and giving it to jenny

"wipe her" she said jenny took her also crying and wiped her wrapping her in a towel and bringing her over, the pain disappeared as i held my beautiful daughter in my arms

"welcome baby" i said she stopped crying as she heard my voice i could feel tears from my eyes as i watched this little precious angel in my arms

"she's beautiful" said sam looking at her i nod, im falling in love with her

"what are you gonna name her?" asked anna sitting beside me, with jenny, jenna and sam, i dont need to rest or anything, thanks to the vampire healing

"Evangeline Hunter Samuel" i said i looked up to see anna smiling at me knowing what the hunter meant, its a reminder of what we had to go through, what we lost just to get to this moment

"i love it" she said looking at her and smiling

"welcome to the world Evangeline Hunter Samuel" she smiled at her and we all laughed, shes gonna be loved.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Where stories live. Discover now