CH 29: The final battle

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I walked up to the castle that is broken down, it was dark but the fire sticks were lit so i followed them until i came upon a big arena where he stood staring at me

"finally your here" he said like he was tired of waiting, i walked down the steps towards the entrance and he smiled

"just you?" i didnt say a thing and walked out to the arena he laughed

"you think you could take me?" he asked amused but i kept a blank face on, i was scared underneath but he didnt need to know

"well are we a little chatty tonight!" he teased

"ok well...shall we start?" he asked i still stood there looking like a robot he put his hands together and cracked them and he smiled then the final battle began he threw fireballs at me but i caught them he through lighting but i was faster i ran away, i didnt use my powers cause they tier me up fast and that is what it was doing to him

"ok...since your not using your powers lets fight" he said already tiered but trying to hide it

"bring it" i said then we started circling each other right when he was running over i threw a fire ball and moved out of the way as he was hit with fireball and fell on the ground then i got on his back punching him he turned us around and punched me, using fire to cover his hands but it didnt burn me just made it seem like it was burning, i kneed his ribs making him fall then i got up kicking him it went on like that me getting a few hits and him, until when he got on top of me to punch me then he was flown away by something i looked at him shocked to see sam hitting him

"what the"

"crystal!" i turned to see jenny, jenna, and anna

"are you ok?" asked jenny as anna looked away jenna went to help sam

"where is evangeline?" i asked jenny smiled

"with her dad" she said and my eyes bulged out

"what?!" thats when anna talked

"we resurrected him, but his to weak to fight so your  going home with your child and husband while we fight" she said trying to get me up

"no we talked about this anna" i said and she looked away then we heard a crack and turned to see sam and jenna knocked out cold

"stay" said anna tuning to him i was gonna watch but jenny interrupted me

"crystal go" she said

"no jenny this is my fight, he wants me not all of you so go!" i said she shook her head

"i cant!" she said i was gonna say something when anna screamed, this is what i was afraid of being worried about them and getting themselves hurt

"jenny go!" i said getting up running over kicking his side making him drop anna as she held her arm and her leg was twisted in a weird position

"anna are you ok?" i asked while deflecting his hits she didnt say anything just crying

"jenny!" i called out then i was hit i fell to the ground and got up to see that he held jenny by her throat and punched her stomach hard i could here bones cracking as she screamed

"let her go!" i screamed and setting my foot to kick when he threw jenny like a rag-doll to the wall breaking more bones then i lost my focus and he deflected my hit making me fall to the ground, anna, Sam, Jenny, Jenna laid on the ground coughing, groaning, and knocked out, i stood in the middle of it all wondering what my next move would be, i can feel my broken rips, and the small cuts and bruises on my whole body but i cant stop now, i cant give up i looked to my family laying on the ground and i thought of my little girl, the thought of leaving her was heartbreaking but i cant live while looking behind me every second to see if his coming after me, his heartless and would stop at nothing to get what he wants

"crystal...lets go" said jenny slowly getting up she kept falling to the ground anna was groaning sam was passed out,  so was jenna,  jenny was still trying to get up but i dont think she knows her let is broken

"ahahaha!! you are not going anywere princess" i turned to see him, the one person who i hate with all my heart

"you are still mine" i was holding on, i could feel my self sliping away but i held on for one last move

"then you'll have me" i said i turned to look at my family seeing jenny still fighting to get up, and anna checking on everyone while laying down

"take care of her" i said looking at anna she looked at me wide eyes knowing what i was gonna do, it was planned from the beginning and only her knows

"no!" she screamed as everything around me stopped, time became frozen i stood there still chanting the spell he was powerful alright, he was able to move around this dimension only the chanter could move around, but he was slow i walked on over to him still chanting using my last energy to pull this off

"this will end now!" i said finally completing the chant then i held my hand to his heart while he tried to move it and i focus all my energy there, my forcer and elemental powers rose for the last time and i made his heart beat faster and faster until it exploded, i didnt see it until it was in me a silver knife just an inch away from my heart but still lethal, we both dropped to the ground,  i could feel the silver weakening me i could hear the others screaming trying to get to me, i laid there looking up into the dark skies rain drops falling on me and the first thing that came to my mind was my daughter, how i wouldnt be there to see her grow up...see her take her first step, her first smile, her first words, then i thought about daniel how he would feel knowing that im not coming back...then my family how much their fighting to get to me but there is no way i will survive this, i looked down to them screaming and trying to overcome the pain

"i..its...ok" i said coughing up blood anna was crying so hard crawling a few inches a minute but still far away jenny behind her, and sam was still out cold jenna was too

"you promised!" she screamed reaching out to me

"you promised!" she said more like a whisper, i smiled and nod tears pouring out of my face as i could feel the silver slowly killing me

" them" i said she cried repeating the same thing

"you promised" jenny was crying beside her not able to from words blood was pouring out of my mouth as i took my last breath, the last thing i saw was my family alive, and that was all i wanted.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora