CH 9: So far

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I watched them sleep each one with different emotions, different dreams and i wondered what are they dreaming of, then i wondered when i was human did i dream? And what was it about? One of the bad thing about being a vampire is that you don't need much sleep, and so you don't get to dream, some just see their past and that's what i been seeing in my sleep

"Thinking hard?" I turned to look at anna sitting up from the bed she was in

"You can say that" i stood up feeling stiff so i stretched

"You been sitting there for hours thinking?" She asked amused

"I just got lost in my thoughts" i said walking towards the kitchen

"So what were you thinking about?" She walked over grabbing a bottle of water

"dreams" i said pouring some blood into the mug

"Dreams?" I nod taking a sip of the blood

"Oh...sorry" she said embarrassed now i shook my head

"Its fine" i walked over to the couch and sat down looking into the mug as she sat next to me

"Do you ever miss being human?" I turned to look at her

"Sometimes" i said giving her a small smile and she smiled back

"Well i remember wanting to be a vampire, because my boyfriend is a vampire and my sister too so..." she trailed off and i smiled

"What happened?" She looked confused

"I don't remember" she said and i nod

"I get flashbacks but i cant see faces, and if i speak their names it just a huge blank" she nods agreeing with me

"I see him but i cant see his face or say his name" she said looking confused and irritated

"Your boyfriend" she nods

"I know the basics of who he is but not the important stuff like his name and his face" i said getting irritated too

"I just wish i could see him again" she sighed

"How about you and your fiance?" I choked on the blood and coughed

"Fiance?" I asked covering my mouth from the blood coming out and also from her view cause she looked grossed out

"Yeah, i remember you coming up to me saying the he propose and you showed me the ring" i stared at her shocked i would've known if i was engaged

"I...i don't remember" i said putting the mug down on the small table

"Im sorry"she said looking at me guilty

"No, its know what its time we do some searching" i said feeling pissed off and ready to kill

"Wake up we have some hunting to do!" I screamed to Nina and jenny they awoke and looked at me

"We need to go!" I said grabbing my leather coat walking out the door

"Where are we going?" asked Nina

"To save someone" i said walking up the stairs, if i have to save the whole damn world to find answers then so be it!

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Where stories live. Discover now