CH 7: What If's

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"Are you ready to see Anna and Nina?" I nod looking at the long empty road

"Do you remember them?" I shook my head no

"Well maybe you will once you see them" i nod then it was silent again, i don't mean to be so cold to her but there's alot going through my mind like

'how many innocent am i going to save to find my past? How will i know who to save? And do i want to know my past?'

"I think its better to know then to always wonder" i turned to look at jenny

"What?" She smiled

"You thought out loud" i turned back to the road

"Oh" i said feeling some what embarrassed

"Its fine" she said then it went silent again i cleared my mind of the whole past business

"Tell me something about yourself" i said looking at her and back at the road she laughed

"Really?" She asked amused

"Yeah, we been hanging for almost 2 weeks and i don't know a single thing about you" i said

"Same here" she said b and i smiled

"Touche! Ok how bout this you tell me something and i tell you something" i suggested and she thought about it and nod

"Ok!" She said excited

" 18 and human" she said and i laughed

"Ok, well im 19 and a vampire" she laughed

"Isn't that your human age?" She asked amused and i smirked

"I was turned almost a year ago"

"How did you know that?" She asked confused

"I don't know, i just kinda knew!" I said shrugging my shoulders

"So your really 19?" I nod

"Huh!" She sounded confused and amazed at the same time

"My parents weren't really my parents, i was found by the couple not far from where you were i found you" i looked at her

"how?" she shrugged and i looked back to the road

"The adopted family i had were optimist and they told me there was a reason i was there" she sounded unconvinced

"Do you?" I asked her and she sighed

"I want to believe it but, i don't" she said looking down at her hands fiddling with her shirt

"I dont remember my family, or if i had one" i said honestly

"I try to remember but it all comes to an end" i tried to explain to her

"Lucky you" she said and i shook my head

"No im not, family is important weather they were there or not they are still family, sometimes we have to do the ultimate sacrifice for our loved ones, even if it means leaving" it was quiet for a while but deep down i was shocked i just said that and i don't know where it came from

"I just wish i could believe that" she said looking out her window

"Someday you will" i said

"Yeah someday" she whispered back then it was silent again i started to wonder what if i didn't met jenny would i still be at the forest just wondering? I didn't want to think about it so i turned on the radio just to fill the empty silence.

Eternal Awakening: Find Me (Book 2: Awakening series)Where stories live. Discover now