Chapter 7

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7~ That Lady, Broken

(Siren's POV)

...Goodbye Mistress...

I jolted up from my place next to Ciel and looked around the room. Something was wrong, I could feel it. Then, seeing the clock, I shook Ciel awake. Once he was up, we shared a look before trying to wake the professor.

"Professor, please wake up," Ciel shook Arthur's shoulder.

Startled, Sir Arthur jumped up and shouted, "Wha!? G-Good morning!"

"Something isn't right with the manor," I murmured. He looked confused when I said this, "Veronica is never late to wake me, and I assume Sebastian would have come to wake Ciel earlier. Neither of them have ever been late, but they have not come yet..."

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Tanaka. I was confused, where were Veronica and Sebastian? Why haven't they come? What has happened?

"Tanaka? Where's...Sebastian?" Ciel asked slowly. Tanaka gave us a grim look.

Then I sensed, rushing off of the bed I ran out of the room. The feeling of dread welled within me at the thought of what could have happened. As I swerved through the halls I heard Ciel and Arthur follow behind.

In my haste I almost ran past the door, but it was hard to miss the sickening stench of blood and the ever present cold that came with death. I saw the crowd of guests gathered while the servants cried. I met eyes with Vincent, but they were dull and cold.

"What will we tell the young master!?" Mey-Rin wailed through her tears.

Ciel brushed past me and into the room, I followed shortly behind.

Then we saw them...

Blood...the dark red of blood covered the dead bodies of Sebastian...and Veronica.

Run through with a fire poker, Sebastian lay on the floor wide eyed and drenched in the red liquid.

He wasn't what I was worried about, he looked far better than that of my beloved maid. Veronica wasn't just stabbed or run through like Sebastian, no, she looked like she was mauled by a monster. Her corpse lay next to Sebastian, her arms and legs at odd angles while scratches from an unknown object littered her once pale flawless skin. Her expression looked frightened, almost as if she was still screaming for help...even in death. The blood that drenched her body and uniform were not what disturbed me the most, was the fact that a single dried tear still marked itself on her cold lifeless cheek.

"Seb...astian..." Ciel uttered when he sighted the corpse of his butler. He went to move forward, but was held back by Mey-Rin.

"You mustn't go further, no!" She was stricken with grief.

"Are you really dead?" Ciel muttered quietly, "You...who promised to stay with me until the end..."

I numbly walked forward towards the bodies. My usual bright eyes pale and ugly. Others tried to stop me, even my servants.

"Enough..." I stated darkly with a cold glare and no emotion, "You will let me pass..." I used Charm-speak, something I had never done to them before. Everyone backed away, and watched sadly as I stepped near Veronica.

I knelt down by her body, the puddle of her blood splash around my knees staining the pale flesh red. I reached out and touched her deformed shoulder...she was so cold.

"Ver...ronica..." I whispered, "Wake...up..." I shook the body this time, stating the phrase louder, "Stop joking with me Veronica! It isn't funny! Wake up this instant!" I was now stained with her blood, the broken girl trying to piece together her sanity.

"My lady stop..." Vincent grasped my arm, "She's dead..."

That's when my reality shattered...

I screamed, a mournful and tortured cry. Someone, anyone, help! Before I completely loose myself!


Those around me cringed at the painful sound that escaped my lips.

"Siren!" Ciel tried to calm me, tried to get me to stop...and that's when I did the unthinkable...


The sound resonated throughout the quiet room as everyone looked on in shock.

Some of my rationality came back as I looked at what had happened, Ciel lay on the floor with a large bruise forming on his cheek. I looked down at myself in fear...webs of shadows began to form from under me, slowly swallowing myself. I clutched my plum locks with my bloodied hands and screamed again, only this time in fear.

What happened? What did I do to deserve this pain? Why?

My thoughts raced as the pain inside my head only increased. The locks I had carefully placed over my powers and emotions snapped as my sense of right and wrong twisted into something dark and monstrous. I was breaking...and no one could stop it...

I clutched Veronica in an embrace, "You liar!" I uttered horsely, my voice choked with grief, "Don't leave me behind!" Still sobbing, I was pulled away by Ciel, who had gotten up during my breakdown.

I held panic and sorrow in my gaze as I was met with looks of sympathy and pity from those around the room.

My eyes grew dull and my skin only paled further as my sobs died. I looked at the body once more and felt numb. I held Ciel like a lifeline because I knew that if he wasn't there I would only sink further into my despair. Barely above a whisper I spoke, "Why does this always happen?"

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