1: Captured

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I tapped the pencil nervously on my paper. I couldn’t believe I was going to do this. I looked up at my ex friend, my stomach was queasy. I couldn’t believe my orders. My commands. But I had to follow them, right? Tiffany walked over to another table on my house to write down some of her homework. She was still in the academy. She was my age, but she wasn’t stupid for failing the classes. I grimaced as she smiled at me. She had a different name then everyone else and a different look. She had brown long curly hair and honey colored eyes. I smiled slightly.

“Fubuki what is wrong?” she asked, concern causing her forehead to crease.

“Uhm....” I started, then hesitated. That was my weakness. I hesitate. I lifted up my arm, my kunai slipping out of my pocket as I hurled it at her. It hit her in the heart, and she died instantly. I had to kill her because she was planning to kill me, I was also ordered to by the Hokage. What a bastard. I walked over, my lips in a thin line as I cleaned up Tiffany’s blood, and threw her in the river. I made it look as if she had drowned. I opened my door to see Eiko. She had a grin on her face as she lifted her hand to show her blood stained kunai. I smiled back. We had done it.

“Lets leave the village. Now.” Eiko said, grabbing her backpack from the side of my house where she left it. It was filled with stuff we needed to survive for a while out in the forests, or different countries. I nodded, and grabbed my pack as well. We ran away, or feet going as fast as they could as we left the village of Kohona. My black hair was flailing behind me from the wind, my green eyes scanning the forest every now and then. After about 5 hours, we stopped for a break. I was breathing heavily, my heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest.

“Bad ass.” I said, slyly smiling.

“I know, right? We did it. We assassinated them bitches. After a long time, we finally did it. Bad ass. Totally.” she replied, then started acting all smug.

“Well hey now, don’t get overly confident. We haven’t even been out a full day. We have to wait until we can really continue on without precaut-“ I was cut off.

“Hey, chika. You’re so pessemistic.” Eiko said, pulling her short green hair into a small ponytail. She rolled her deep brown eyes.

“I’m just saying-“

“no, you don’t believe me.” Eiko argued, sighing. I got pissed.

“BITCH, LISTEN!” I shouted. She stopped and looked at me. She knew she was being a bitch at this point. Her eyes softened.

“Sorry....I know what you mean.” she replied, her expression sorry. My temper softened.

“Okay, good.” I seethed, still pissed. I took out a sword and started sharpening it, cleaning off the specks of blood. Eiko closed her eyes.

After a second, her eyes snapped open and she was on her feet.

“FUBUKI, WATCH OUT!” she shouted, and I dodged a kunai just in time. Then a clay spider crawled to me. My eyes widened.

“FUCK!” I screamed, backing up and I took out my bow and arrow, shooting it and backing away as it exploded.

“That was a close one.” Eiko said, and I ignored her and looked around.

“SHOW YOURSELF.” I shouted into the forest, and then I heard rustling. A weird looking man came out, then I realized he was a puppet from the Akatsuki. I had heard of him. Sasori.

“Oh who are you?” Eiko asked, puzzled.

“We’re so dead.” I whispered, but then my fear made me stronger. I took out a large kunai and growled at him.

“MAYUKO DENETA.” I shouted, my eyes turning high defined and purple, black lining the outsides beautifully and going on the corners slightly. I saw my enemy’s eyes grow wide. Eiko turned into a humongous alligator, hissing at the man.

“I should probably keep you guys for the Akatsuki.” he mused, then everything went black as something hit me in the back of my neck.

I awoke to the sounds of two people talking.

“You idiot, you shouldn’t have immediately made your stupid creation descend! You should have watched more. And been more careful, you heard their conversation. This one’s stronger and more aware. How could you think a little spider could do harm to her?” I heard in a soft but now hard voice. Different then the other, then I realized it might be Sasori’s real voice. I stayed quiet to listen to more.

“Well, they didn’t look so strong, un. And come on, they can’t be stong enough to refuse us, hmm. We can kill them if they refuse, my man.” I heard another voice say.

“Come on, Deidara. Honestly?” Sasori groaned.

“What else can we do? Our leader will be thrilled, un! We haven’t seen a Mayuko since the assassination of the Mayuko clan.”I heard Deidara say, and I winced mentally at the sound of my last name. Damn, they knew I was a Mayuko.

“And the other?” Sasori challenged.

“She’s from the Magenta clan. She can change into different animals. That’s a good technique, it could come in handy, un.” Deidara explained.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I’d finish them off right here and right now. From the sounds of their voices I could tell how far away they were. Deidara and Sasori were sitting next to me. I flung up, punching Deidara in the jaw and pinning Sasori down. Deidara groaned. I pulled a knife at his neck as I held both of them down. They looked alarmed. Deidara rubbed his jaw, irritated. I was tough for 19.

“This is what we get for letting our guard down, hmm!” Deidara grumbled, as he stared at the kunai I held at him threateningly. I growled at the both of them. Sasori smirked, and in a quick move he pinned me to the floor. My body writhed in pain as I felt how he had done that. He had snapped my hand back painfully. Deidara then pulled me into his lap, he held me so I couldn’t move.

“Wow, she is good.” Sasori mused.

Deidara’s mouth went right next to my ear, I shuddered as I felt his cool breath on my ear.

“Gotcha, sweetheart.” he mocked.

“Does your jaw hurt?” I asked, my eyes turning into slits.

“Yes. A lot.” he admitted, his mood lowering.

“Good. Bitch.” I smirked. The blonde just rolled his eyes as he tied me to Sasori’s nasty ass ol’ human puppet.

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