2: Confusion

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“I’m such an idiot!” I screamed, talking to Eiko. She had just woken up and Deidara and Sasori were talking outside of the cave.

“No, I am. I should have warned you sooner.” Eiko replied, pushing her green hair behind her ear.

“Well I have my Mayuko Deneta. I should have activated it!” I moaned.

“Yeah, that would have saved you, un.” I heard Deidara say as he walked inside the cave. I sneered at him.

“Oh save it, yeah.” he said, sitting next to me. I blushed. DAMNIT WHY’D I BLUSH?! I don’t like him! He KIDNAPPED me.

“Fine.” I murmured.

“Go away, we’re talking.” Eiko replied tiredly.

“No, I wanna hear you guys, yeah.” Deidara replied stubbornly.

“It’s about girl stuff.” Eiko pressed.

“I don’t care, un.” Deidara shrugged.

Eiko turned to me and grinned.

“So I’m going to get a box of tampons-“ Eiko as cut off by Deidara shuffling to get up.

“Ew! I’m out, yeah!” he replied, getting out of the cave.

I laughed. “Nice one!” I replied.

Deidara’s p.o.v.

I walked out of the cave, shuddering. Ew. Too girly and disgusting. I walked over to Sasori, he must have noticed my expression.

“What is it now?” he asked, barely amused.

“They’re talking about...Tampons.” I replied. There was a silence, then Sasori looked at me. His expression changed to disgusted.

“That’s lovely.” he replied, then shook his head. He looked off in the distance.

“So when are we going to set out for the Akatsuki hideout?” I asked, lifting my left hand and chewing up clay with the mouth on it.

“In a couple minutes, I’ll go get the girls.” Sasori replied. He walked into the cave, then a couple seconds later he walked back out with them, his arms gripping on their shoulders so they couldn’t run. I focused my concentration on my hand again, and turned as it spit out clay. I squashed it with my hand and closed my eyes, then opened them. My hand opened, revealing a little bird. I grinned and threw it into the air, focusing my chakra on it, making it a big bird.

“Woah!” I heard Fubuki say, backing up. Here eyes were huge.

“What happened with your hand? It like spit it out!” Eiko murmured, I held up my hand showing the mouth. She shuddered. I smirked.

“Come on, lets go now. We have no time to waste.” Sasori said emotionlessly and hopped onto the bird, he would sit in the front while I made a conversation to Eiko and Fubuki.

Fubuki’s p.o.v.

We hopped onto the bird and it took off into the air. I wasn’t afraid of falling, because if they needed me so badly they would catch me. No worries. I looked up at Deidara.

“Show me your hand.” I commanded, and he wordlessly did. I took it, it was so soft. I ran my fingers along his mouth, then it opened. “Woah...” I said softly, amazed. Then it spit out a white ball. I took my hand back and looked at the clay. Deidara closed his hand, and when he opened it there was a little bird. I smiled a little.

“That’s what I do. And I can make them explode.” Deidara explained. Eiko wasn’t even in the conversation until now, though. She looked over.

“Well that’s kinda freaky.” she replied, then giggled softly.

“I know, I’ve gotten used to it though hmm.” Deidara huffed.

“I think it’s cute.” I replied. They both looked at me weirdly. “I mean, uh...it’s pretty cool, whatever.” I replied, looking away. I was such a baka.

“Hmm.” Deidara murmured as he looked off into the distance, bird in hand. His hair blew in the breeze, then I saw a grey thing on his eye. An eye scope. Pretty dandy. His other eye was beautiful, had a nice color. His smile was pretty cute, too, he looked like he was thinking.

“You’re staring.” Eiko murmured to me softly so only I could hear. I snapped out of it and spun to look at her.

“What?” I asked, dazed and flustered.

She just laughed and shook her head. “Nothing.” she replied. I heard a big BANG, and turned to see Deidara had thrown the bird at a cliff’s edge, making it crash and crumple. He started laughing.

“That was beautiful, a mastepiece, un.” Deidara sighed softly.

“Stop that, you might attract attention.” Sasori said. I flinched at his voice.

“Sorry, my man Sasori is just very....” Deidara couldn’t find the word, but I got what he meant.

“I can tell.” I replied, he just shrugged.

“Yeah, you’ll get used to it.” he replied.

Artistic View (A Deidara Story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora