8: Failure

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I woke up with the alarm clock practically screaming. Guess who my alarm clock was? Eiko.

“Come on, wake up!” I heard Eiko shout. I got up and smashed my alarm, taking a quick shower then putting on my clothes to get ready for the day. I grabbed my pack and put stuff in it to hold me so I am not dying out in the mission. The mission was to assassinate this one person. He apparently had the ability to manipulate someone’s actions, and was going to try go after the Akatsuki. We had to stop him first. Apparently, his weakness is fire. I got up and ran outside to the front of the cave, where Eiko and Tobi were waiting.

“What’s Deidara doing?” I asked.

“He got his hair caught and he’s trying to pull it out. He told us to go away. I SWEAR I DIDN’T DO IT!” Tobi said, frantically. He did it. Deidara walked out, his ponytail a little bent at the tip, he had a really pissed expression.

“Tobi?” he muttered.

“YES SEMPAI!?” Tobi screeched.

“Strike one.” Deidara growled, we followed him, walking quickly.

“Tobi a....bad boy?” Tobi questioned, sadly.

“No, Tobi. You’re a good boy.” Eiko said, hugging him.

“Tobi is blushing.” Tobi stated shyly.

“Ugh....hmm.” Deidara murmured, madly. I linked arms with him, and leaned on him, trying to cheer him up.

“Lean on me, when you're not strong, And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on, For it won't be long, 'Til I'm gonna need, Somebody to lean on!” I shouted, Deidara chuckled.

“If there is a load you have to bear, That you can't carry, I'm right up the road, I'll share your load, If you just call me!” Eiko screamed, linking her arm with mine. Tobi linked his arm with hers. I laughed, we were all connected.

“Hmm, this is interesting.” Deidara replied, chuckling.

“I just hope I don’t loose any more teammates. If you guys die, I swear I’ll kill you.” I replied. Deidara paused for a moment.

“We’d be dead.” he replied, confused.

“NO NEGATIVITY!” I joked. He rolled his eyes.

“Hmmhm..” he laughed softly.

We all unlinked arms and stopped in the middle of the forest. It was dark already.

“Lets set up camp here.” Eiko said.

“Eh?” Tobi asked, confused.

“Whatever lets sleep here.” Eiko changed her words, giggling.

Tobi grinned.

“I AM A GIRL IN LOVE WITH HER SEMPAI! WHO AM I?” Tobi screamed, jumping up and down.

“Who? Hmm.” Deidara played along. His expression was dull. Tobi always called him sempai.

“FUBUKI!” Tobi squealed.

“WHAT THE-...TOBI...” I glared at him, my anger boiling.

“What?” Deidara asked, flustered.

“Bitch thinks I like you.”

“I know he does. Hm.”

I punched Tobi on top of the head, forming a bump.

Tobi whined. “Fubuki hurt me.” he whimpered to Eiko.

“Awww....” She said, holding him close.

“Are you guys together?” I asked.

“N-no! Tobi is not dating Eiko!” Tobi said, I could practically see the blush from under his mask.

“Does Tobi want to?” I challenged.

“Yes! I do...” Tobi stated, nervously. Eiko pulled him to her, lifting up his mask. She planted a kiss on him. Me and Deidara sweat dropped.

“I wanna see his face.” I muttered to Deidara.

“Me too.” he replied back.

“Hmph. Two love struck idiots.” I sighed. Deidara laughed.

“Yeah, hmmm.” he replied.

“Hey Deidara?” I said.

“What? Hmmm?” he asked, his attention full on me. I couldn’t help it, I didn’t know what made me do it. I leaned up, pressing my lips against his quickly. He let out a gasp in surprise. So did I.

“I love playing puppets.” we heard a voice say from above. A man dropped down, a knife in his hand and his other hand swaying in the air carelessly as he spoke. “Especially when I make them do stuff like that.” he sighed.

I pulled myself away from Deidara, blushing. So was he. I pulled out my knife and Eiko stood up with Tobi. They went into defense mode as well.

“Jaaku?” I questioned, my eyes darkening.

“Haha, so you are after me.” he replied, jumping down from the trees. He threw his arms out, but I dodged his powers. Deidara hit a tree, and groaned. My eyes flashed to look at him in horror. He was gasping. He broke something.

“Aw how cute, you like him?” Jaaku asked, amused. I shook my head, growling as my hand snapped forward. Eiko and Tobi were somewhere else. I didn’t know where. I activated my Kekkei Genkai.

I had copied one of Itachi’s fireball jutsus. The fire lunged forward and incinerated the man.

“Well that was easier then I thought.” I muttered. I heard a soft groan. I looked up and gasped. Tobi and Eiko were hanging from ropes swirled around their necks. I screamed, then regained my sanity as I jumped up and undid the ropes. I then ran over to Deidara, holding his hand to try to see if he could feel it. He didn’t do anything. I leaned up to push his head back softly to see if he was awake. His eyes weakly caught my gaze.

“How did I get him so easily?” I wondered aloud about Jaaku. Deidara smiled softly.

“I-...I-...helped.” he gasped out, holding his chest.

“Thank you, now let me help you.” I replied . I knew a jutsu that could heal someone; it just took half of my chakra. I did my handsigns, then my hands glowed a soft blue color. I set it on Deidara’s chest, trying to heal his wounds. After a moment or two, he breathed normally again.

“I failed you.” Deidara moaned, gasping as he regained his strength and mind.

“No you did not,” I started, then sighed, holding his hand in mine. “you just couldn’t beat him, it’s fine. We all have our faults.”

“BUT I am in the akatsuki. I cannot fail!” Deidara murmured, getting up and trudging towards the other parts of the forest. Me, Eiko, and Tobi just followed. Even Tobi was silent.

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