6: Shock

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Fubuki’s p.o.v.

When I woke up, I was in my bed. I got up and winced, I lifted my shirt up to see a purple spot. Great, I was bruising. I lay back down, deciding I was too lazy to get my ass up at this time. The sunset was nearly over, so I just lay there. What did Eiko slap me for? I don’t remember anything but sleeping and dreaming. Dreaming. My eyes went wide as I remembered that dream. Did I have feelings for Deidara? No, I don’t think so. He is cute and all, but I don’t want a relationship. I’m now an assassin, so why would I fall in love with my life on the line? What if he died too? I wouldn’t be able to take it. But then why was I thinking so negatively? The only reason why I don’t want to date him or anything was a mystery, I just didn’t feel right about it. I held my head. I had a headache for thinking about this too much. Ugh.

There was a soft knock on the door. I stared at it, wanting to get up but rethinking it when I felt pain shoot through my stomach. I collapsed back onto the bed, gritting my teeth.

The door opened anyways revealing a bright eyed Eiko. She jumped on my bed, leaning over to poke my nose.

“Hello Miss. Grumpy Gills.”she giggled, I just glared.

“Get off, I need to get ready. I’m hungry.” I said.

“Dinner’s gonna be ready in an hour” Eiko replied.

“Then I have an hour. Who’s cooking?”

“Some girl Zetsu picked up at a ratty old restaurant. She wants to be our cook.”

“Oh, okay. Well I need to eat up to get ready for the mission.” I replied, trying to be all cheery. She giggled, swaying from side to side slowly, singing softly.

“You had a weird dreammmm....” she mused.

“YOU KNOW?!” I screeched, flying off my bed in shock. I ignored the slight pain.

“You were murmuring in your sleep about Deidara until I punched you awake.” she replied. I growled.

“Damn! You know I have no feelings for him, right?” I asked urgently. She nodded. I went into the bathroom, then turned to look at her.

“I’m gonna go take a shower.” I sighed, closing the door behind me. I turned the nob, making the water go on. I turned it until it went hot, then took my clothes off and set them on the counter. I looked into the mirror and sighed. I looked boring. Green eyes, black hair, regular nose, regular mouth. I rolled my eyes at my statement. Why would I care? I got into the shower and shivered, loving the feeling of the water caressing my back. I stood there for a while, looking at the now fogging glass before shampooing my hair and whatnot. When I was done, I refused to get out of the warmth that surrounded me. I hated getting into showers, but also hated getting out. I also hated brushing my hair when I got out, and sometimes just didn’t brush it until a good fifteen minutes passed. I hesitated, then changed in the bathroom. I pressed my ear against the door to see if I could sense if Eiko was still there, then I rolled my eyes at myself when I realized I could sense her chakra. I closed my eyes, and saw the soft glow of her chakra. But she didn’t move. She was asleep, so I opened my door and brushed my long hair. I winced every now and then and walked over to the corner so I wouldn’t splatter Eiko with the water. Then I felt breathing down my neck. I peered over to see a nose.

“Hello love.” the voice said. I jumped and screamed, then glared at the person when I found out it was Eiko.

“Thank you for nearly giving me a heart attack.” I rolled my eyes. She laughed, holding her stomach as her face turned red from laughing.

“You should have seen your face!” she giggled, I just walked out of the room with Eiko on my tail. We walked to the dining room in silence, but once in a while she would blurt out a small giggle. I kept walking, then sat in the seat next to Deidara. I didn’t realize it until my head turned to get whacked in the face by his ponytail. I jumped back.

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