What the hell do I name these.

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Agoti has been in the void for over two years. About two years and 5 months. (I don't actually know how long he's been there, but yk.) Nothing to do there. Just sleep, jump from rock to rock, and do whatever someone does in a void like that. He hasn't seen his friend, Tabi, for two fucking years but, that isn't the point right now. Anyways, as he was just laying down (grammar?) he saw some purple glow across a few rocks. Of course he hasn't seen that before, so he ran to it. It was a portal! Agoti tried going into it, but something blocked him. As he was trying too go through, he felt someone 'poke' him. "What-?" Agoti asked while looking around. "Beep!" Agoti looked down, and saw a person with blue hair, and he was about 3'7-4 ft. "Uh.. Who are you, and what do you want?" Agoti asked.

"Beep, skidibop boopbap!" 

"He's saying he wants to rap-battle you." A girl with a red dress, and brown hair replied. 

"Okay. Well, I don't really have a mic or spea- What the fuck." Agoti said as Girlfriend pulled out to mic's and dragged three speakers out of nowhere. "It works." and they started battling. Agoti sang his three famous songs, Screenplay, Parasite, and A.G.O.T.I. Agoti tried making it impossible for Boyfriend so he couldn't escape, yet, Boyfriend still won. Apparently they could both get out even if one of them lost, but oh my, Agoti had Girlfriend hanging for her life on A.G.O.T.I and yet boyfriend wasn't even phased. "Damn it." Agoti mumbled as he lost. He saw the purple portal again, and he rushed towards it, pushing Boyfriend out of his way, then almost hitting Girlfriend off of the rock she was hanging on. Why didn't you hit her off, Agoti? Her dad banished you to this void. 

"Holy shit. I'm out!" Agoti screamed as he jumped out of the portal. "and damn am I hungry." (this is literally how they all go.) Agoti said as he started walking around, looking for a restaurant. Agoti kept looking around, until he found one of his favorite places to eat. 'Oh hell yeah.' Agoti thought before running inside. Agoti ordered his food, until he heard music and singing.  He started to look around the restaurant, until he saw it. His best friend, and that stupid midget he saw earlier. "oh, come on, Tabi. You're wasting your time on these little shits, when you could be hanging out with me?" Agoti spat out as his song 'Last Chance' ended. 

"Who the fuck- Wait. AGOTI?!" Tabi screamed in shock, "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN? also, you may wanna come over here." Tabi said while holding a remote behind his back.

"Okay-?" Agoti walked over to Tabi, then, boom. a huge explosion. "What the fuck, Tabi?! I was still waiting for my food!" 

"Shut up. Well, both of you survived the explosion, eh?" Tabi asked. "Also, you gonna sing this with me or what?"

"I already battle these two before. I lost. You will aswell. So, no." Agoti replied.

"Well, you don't have a choice." Tabi said before wrapping his arm around Agoti's neck.


"SHUT UP!" And, that's how they did it. They both sang Genocide together, and of course. Whitty and I, (Quinn) were watching in the background screaming, "FUCKIN' BEAT HIS ASS!" We all hated Boyfriend.. and Girlfriend. Honestly, that was an interesting way to greet your bestfriend after not seeing him for two years, but, at least they got to do something together. 

"If you ever make me do that again I'll beat your ass." Agoti said while giving Tabi an annoyed look.

"I'd like to see you try." Tabi replied. 

"AYO BITCHES!" I shouted at them.

"What the fuck- WERE YOU WATCHING ALL OF THAT?!" Tabi screamed back.

"Uh-huh! Something I'd like to see more often." Whitty replied. "Also, That explosion is worse then what I could do." 

"You wanna bet on that, Whitty?!" Tabi screamed.

"Fuck yeah." Whitty said.

"Oh my godd. I can't get one minute of peace with Tabi, can I?" Agoti said with a sigh.

"Okay, Okay, Whitty. Agoti is bein' a real simp right now. So we should leave. Also, I want sushi." I said while dragging Whitty.

"You're not getting sushi." 

"Fuck you, man. Anyways, are you two like, dating now that you're finally out of the void now..? or..?" I asked.

"Maybe." Tabi replied.

"What the fuck did you just say." Agoti replied as Tabi gave him a look like, 'Don't you love me?' Yes, looks say words. Definitely. These idiots started attacking each other. I mean full on attacking. I sighed and then left the restaurant as they literally kept fighting in a burning building. I stayed out there for a few minutes, maybe twenty? I'm not sure, but when I went back in, Agoti was ONTOP- of Tabi. 

"Um. Yeah, this is.." Whitty said in a concerned tone. 

"Interesting." I finished his sentence. "If you could kindly not do this in a burning restaurant- The smoke is kind of killing my lungs-" I said before coughing a bit, "I might just end up like Garcello."

"That is a terrible joke for one, two, you might just wanna leave then." Agoti said without turning away from Tabi.  

"Okay, do I have to drag you three out of here, or will you NOT fight in the middle of a fire?!" Whitty said, "I'm not trying to explode again."

"I thought you want to bet on it." Tabi said while kicking the shit out of Agoti.

"Okay, that's fair, but n o ." I said while dragging Tabi, then Agoti, then Whitty out of there. "Okay then.. Well, you two can go Make-out while Whitty and I go to Mushrooms house. Bye." I said while walking away, dragging Whitty. Again.

(Okay this is seriously off topic but I play roblox and if you wanna friend me this is my user :D : xxQuinnq_xx display name: Quinn | Friend me if you want, but also comment your username :D)


"SHUT UP!" I screamed.

"Okay. That's not something I'd like to see often. Anyways, what do we do now?" Tabi asked while turning towards Agoti. 


"What the fuck. You still act like this after tWO FUCKING YEARS-?!" Tabi screamed.

"Of course I do. I've had no human-interaction for TWO FUCKING YEARS TABI."  Agoti screamed while giving Tabi a little push.

"God damn it man. I thought I wouldn't have to suffer through that anymore. " Tabi mumbled as Agoti wrapped his arm around Tabi's neck. "What the fuck?" 

"Shut up, we're going to follow them." 

Again, Not to great of a chapter, but you know. 1132 words.

♥𝓐𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓲 𝔁 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓲 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♥ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now