First chapter really short

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I awoke bleeding. I hadn't relized why. Until. I remembered. The absolute pain. It was a beautiful night and I was listening to the crickets outside. Then suddenly I relized where I was. The roof. Trying to escape 'Them'. I'm Mia lan and as soon as I opened my eyes I relized the mistake I made.

~•(flash back five years back)

*sigh* another day at the camp of doom which is what it's actually called. Camp doom. "Miaaaaa!!!"

I slowly trudge over to the camp director miss "shit"(that's her actual name tee hee)

" Mia late as always" she says.

"It's not like I have a bloody dragon so why the fuck does it matter!!" I Shouted.

I didn't mean to shout but I just couldn't help it.

"We don't speack of those animals you bitch" she quietly hissed at me so no one else could over hear.

She only spoke to me that way.

One day when I get a dragon.

I'll be sure to kill her first.

~•(flashback over)(and murderus much0-o)

I relized then how horribly I thought of things. Now I really miss "Shit" she was decent compared to 'Them'. My parents. The people who live for making life a living hell. O well at least at school everything's decent. Then Adam came.

< writing in iPad so no bolds I hope u like so far and I will make more chapters ba bye

THE ENDERDRAGONS EYE( a youtuber fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora