I dunno don judge

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( I'm so sorry but here is new chapter plz don be mad me😣😰😨😢😩😫😥😓😭I'm a puppet)( if you know where that's from your the bestest of English ya byezzzzzzzz)

When Enderlox landed ( I'll just say endy ok so don think there's new characters just yet) all the lights were off so I let him come inside. He slept in the garage so my parents wouldn't freak. It was no use. They found him.

" what's this freak doing here!!" My mother shouted

"No!" I shrieked

She dragged him out of the garage and yelled for father. They tried to beat him but he wiggled( no) free. He knocked them out and I rode him into the forest. I didn't wanna go back so he took me to the Enderportal and we were off to the end.

~• Time skip I dunno when but there in the friggin end so deal with it.

" Endy?" I said.

" hm?"

" Are you the only Enderdragon here."

" No I'm not so you should never leave the platform."

" I know"

" good I'll be back soon." He said

" Ok bye."

" Bye."

He was off again he always leaves at least twice a day but when he's here we usually talk or explore around the End. I sighed it was always so boring being alone I try to just take little peaks through the window to look outside the platform but not to much just in case endy's roaming around outside. I'd rather not get caught.

Finally endy came back.

" Guess what." He said a little bubblier( dose i spells gooda) than usual.

" What?" I asked.

" your going to school!!"

( Sorry for really short chapters I'll fix that eventually don worry bout me sorry I didn't update in so long but my weefyy went out so I couldn't update enything okys okys byezzzzzzzzz. 🍐 so majestic but not as muche as budder .)

THE ENDERDRAGONS EYE( a youtuber fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now