Harrison and His kids,Cisco and Caity

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It was just Harrison,Cisco and Caitlin at STAR Labs Today. Caitlin was in her workshop. Cisco was in the Cortex with their dad. Harrison said"Cisco,Did you sneak candy from the Jar when I wasn't looking"? Cisco said"Sorry Dad,It helps me focus". Harrison said"It's ok,But next pls just ask me when want some ok"? Cisco nodded. Harrison said"Where's Caity"? Caitlin walked into the Cortex and said"I was in My workshop Daddy". Harrison said"Caity are you ok? You look like you've been Crying". Caitlin said"I have,There's a warrant out for my Arrest". Harrison said"Why"? Caitlin said"For helping Ramsey and for the crimes  Frost did in the past". Harrison said"That's not gonna happen,They're not taking my little girl away from me". Caitlin said"What're we gonna do? They don't even though I'm your Daughter. All our files are here". Harrison said"Because someone could steal or hack em". Caitlin said"Dad"!! Harrison said"Let's go to CCPD,I'm gonna make a Speach". Cisco said"C'mere Caity". Caitlin took her brothers hand. At CCPD...  Harrison told Joe he wanted to make a Speach. Joe did it with only a Phone Call. Harrison said"Thank you all for Coming. I have something very Important to say,Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon are my Children. My daughter told me about the warrent for her Arrest. My daughter was Kidnapped by Ramsey and forced to help him,Also Frost was Manipulated by Zoom to do those Things"! A Report said"Why are you defending a Criminal"?! Harrison said"She's not a Criminal! She's my daughter"!! A reporter said"Why did you adopt too Metas and when did you adopt them"? Harrison said"I adopted them because I wanted to give them a Home they Deserved. I adopted my son Cisco when he was 6 yrs old. I adopted my Baby girl Caitlin when she was barely 4 yrs old. Know this,I will do Anything to Protect my Kids. I love my Children with all my heart". Harrison ended his Speach. Joe said"I talked with the Mayor and the Governor,they agreed to Drop the Warrent and relived Caitlin for Frost's Crimes". Harrison said"Thank you Dective West". Joe said"You're welcome". Caitlin said"Thanks for saving me Daddy"! Harrison said"You're welcome sweetheart. I will never let anyone take you away from me. Either of you". Cisco joined the hug. Harrison said"Let's go home". Cisco said"Yeah,Let's get outta here". Caitlin had a Lolipop in her mouth. Harrison said"Caity,where did you get Those"? Caitlin said"From Cecile". Harrison said"Give them to me. I need you high on Sugar". Caitlin said"Fine". Caitlin handed over all the Lollipops to her Dad. Harrison said"Thanks Caity. *Gives one to Cisco* There you go Cisco. Now let's get outta here". At home... Caitlin said"Daddy,I'm Hungry". Cisco said"Me too". Harrison said"I'm ordering Takeout,What'd we wanna eat"? Cisco said"Caity your turn to choose". Caitlin said"Uh Chinese take out"? Cisco said"Yeah". Harrison said"Ok. I'll order it. Now you two Behave". Caitlin said"Yeah,Yeah". Cisco said"Ok". After Cisco and Caitlin ate Dinner,The two of them were watching a Movie in the Living Room,snuggled up on the Couch. Harrison Smiled at his kids. Soon Harrison Joined them on the Couch.

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