Little Runner in Trouble

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Today Barry,Iris and all 5 of their kids were at STAR Labs. Nora was training with Damien and Bart. Damien said"Move your right forward and step then punch". Nora excelled at Damien's Martial Arts. Damien said"You're getting good,Little Runner". Bart said"Nora,Show me the Tornado Spin". Nora did. Bart said"Super Sonic Punch". Nora did it. Bart said"Lightning Throw". Nora half way did it. Bart said"Ok,you where a Little off Blance but we can work that Later". Nora said"Ok,B". Barry said"Training going good"? Damien said"Yeah". Bart said"Yup,She's doing good for someone so small". The Alarm went off. Barry said"What'd we got"? Cisco said"Looks like Weather Wiz and Witch are Back". Harrison smacked Cisco's Bottom and said"That word is Not appropriate for Nora,Say it again and We're going in my Office downstairs". Cisco said"Sorry". Barry said"Damien,Nora come With me. Bart,you stay here incase we need backup". At the Crime Scene... Barry took the Wands and broke them Nora was beating them up,until she ran after a Stolen Truck Damien and Barry said"Nora"!! Iris said"Guys,That Stolen Truck has a Bomb on it"! Barry said"C'mon". Barry held onto his son and ran after his daughter. Nora had somehow disabled the Bomb. Nora said"What's up Motherf***er"! Nora got the guy out of the truck and began to Beat him up. Barry pryed his daughter of the guy,Running back to STAR Labs. Barry put Nora in the Pipeline for a Time-out. Iris said"Barry,Calm down Babe. Why don't you go run on the track or go see Len and Mick". Barry said"I think I'll visit them". Iris said"Ok. I'll deal with our Daughter". Barry nodded and left. Iris went to the pipeline and got Nora. Iris said"You're in Trouble Little Miss". Nora said"Mommy"? Iris said"You're getting a Spanking Missy. You worried Me,Damien and Daddy so Much"! Iris sat and dragged Nora over her lap. Nora said"No"!! Nora squirmed over her Mommy's lap. Iris said"I'm doing this because I love you and It's not ok to Put yourself at Risk". Iris raised her hand and began spanking Nora. Nora was crying. Nora tried to get loose but failed. When Nora was let up she ran from Iris and went to Bart. Bart picked her up. Bart walked around the Cortex with her,calming her down. Eventually Nora had Calmed down. At home... Nora was Napping in her room. Barry went in and said"You ok Baby Girl"? Nora shook her head. Barry said"Feeling Sick Baby"? Nora nodded. Barry felt her forehead and said"Daddy's gonna get you some Medicine ok"? Nora said"Daddy"? Barry said"Yes Baby girl"? Nora said"Thristy". Barry said"I'll be right back with your bottle and Medicine". Barry quickly got a Bottle out and filled it with Strawberry Milk and mixed in the Medicine. Damien said"Dad,Is Nora ok"? Barry said"She just got a cold. Now go back to sleep,Little Robin". Damien went to his room and Went back to Sleep. Alegra was with Iris and Bart at The Citizen. Eirk was watching TV downstairs. Barry stayed with his baby girl all Night. She threw up a few times,Barry cuddled her and sang her Favorite song.

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