Alegra,Damien and Nora

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Alegra was put in Charge of Nora since Barry and Iris where at Work,Damien accompanied Eirk to Vist his Biological father and Sister in Iron Heights. Alegra was up early,Getting a Bath ready for Her and Nora. Alegra even put Nora's bath set in the tub and laid out a Swimming Pull-up.

 Alegra even put Nora's bath set in the tub and laid out a Swimming Pull-up

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Alegra even laid out a Flash Onesie and a Pull-up.

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Alegra went into Nora's room and said"Nora,Wake up Baby Sis"

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Alegra went into Nora's room and said"Nora,Wake up Baby Sis". Nora yawned and said"Sissy,G'morning". Alegra said"Morning Baby Sis. I ran a bath for us". Nora said"A Bubble bath"? Alegra said"Yes. I even put your seat in the tub,C'mon". Alegra picked her up and carried Nora into the bathroom. Alegra laid Nora onto the adjustable changing table,undressing her and taking off her wet Pull-up and put on the Swimming Pull-up.

Nora said"Let's get into the Baf' Sissy"

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Nora said"Let's get into the Baf' Sissy". Alegra set Nora into the seat,then Undressed and got in. Nora said"It's Nice. I wike this. Damien used to take baf's with Me when he would Visit. Now he doesn't do it wif me Anymores". Alegra said"Maybe you can ask him. I see you miss that special bonding time with him". Nora said"I just want Robbie to Spend time with me". Nora was crying. Alegra said"Little Sis,It's ok. You just need to tell him how you feel. After all Familia is always there for you,No matter what". Later...  Damien had come home,he dropped Erik off at their Grandpa's.  Damien said"Ally,Nora I'm Home"! Alegra said"Hey D. Nora has something to tell you. *Sees Nora hesitate* Go ahead Baby sis,He won't be mad Baby I promise". Damien sat on his knees in front of Nora. Damien said"What's wrong Baby sis"? Nora said"I wants to spend More Time wif you,Like we's used too. Since you moved back you pend more time wif B and E instead of Me's". Damien said"Oh sweetie,I had know Idea you felt like this Baby Sister. I never realized that I haven't been spending much time with you. I'm Sorry sweetheart". Nora said"Can we take our Special Baf Tonight"? Damien said"Of course Sweetheart. It's our special thing". Nora said"Oh come see my drawing". Nora dug out her drawing. Damien looked at it and said"You drew me"? Nora said"Yeah,do you like it"? Damien said"I love it Little Runner". Alegra said"Nora,can you pick up your toys for me"? Nora said"But Sissy I 'anna pway". Alegra said"You've been playing with em all afternoon,It's time to pick up". Nora sakd"No! I don't 'anna"! Alegra said"Damien,A little help"? Damien said"Nora,Can pls pick up your toys for Sissy"? Nora said"But Robbie,I wants to pway"... Damien said"If you don't pick up You'll be getting a Spanking". Nora huffed,but still didn't pick up her toys. Damien said"Nora,come here". Nora tried to run off,but Damien grabbed her wrist. Damien sat down on the couch,pulling Nora over his lap. Damien unsnapped the onesie,moving it up and Bringing down her pull-up. Nora said"Robbie,No pps don't"! Damien said"You can hold my hand the Entire time". Alegra said"Has it been awhile since you last spanked her"? Damien said"Yup. But I know what I'm doing". Damien smacked his hand against Nora's backside and began spanking her. Nora was crying,Clutching Damien's hand. Damien said"Next time you better listen Little girl"! Nora said"I's Sowwy,pease Stop"!! Damien said"Almost Done Sweetheart". Damien laid down the last 4 smacks,then let her up. Damien put Nora's Pull-up back in Place and redid the Onesie. Nora cuddled with Damien. Barry and Iris had just come home with Bart and Eirk. Barry said"Hey Ally,Hey Dami. What's up with Nora"? Damien said"She got a Spanking. She wasn't listening". Barry said"Ok. Maybe a Bath with her Oldest big brother might help". Damien said"Good Idea. Hey Little Runner,wanna take Our Special bath"? Nora nodded. After Damien and Nora took their Bath,Nora wanted to sleep with her favorite big brother. The other 3 kids where sleeping in other place besides their rooms. Eirk was Sleeping in the kitchen,Bart was asleep in the downstairs Living room and Alegra was asleep in Barry's Work room. Damien and Nora where snuggled together as they slept.

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