Alegra becomes Barry and Iris's foster Daughter

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Alegra was at Citizen with Iris,working on something. Iris came in to check on her,Alegra was so deep in thought she Didn't even Notice Iris. Iris said"Hey Alegra,how's it going"? Alegra said"Oh Iris,Sorry I didn't hear you come in". Iris said"It's ok". Alegra said"Any word from Esperanza yet"? Iris said"No. Sweetie she's off the Grid. She's probably laying low so the FBI won't get to her". Alegra said"Have you known that this whole Time"?! Iris said"Alegra,Sweetie we knew you'd get upset if we told you earlier rather than later". Alegra said"I can't believe you lied to me"!! Iris said"You need to Calm down". Alegra said"Why! You've been lying to me"! Iris said"I did it to Protect you". Alegra said"Why would you lie to me"?! Iris said"Because I don't want you to get hurt,Your like a daughter to me Alegra. I don't want Anything to Happen to you". Alegra powered down and said"I'm Sorry Iris,I didn't mean to yell at you". Iris said"I know,But what did me and Barry say about your Powers when you're mad"? Alegra said"Not too". Iris said"And what did you do"? Alegra said"I used my powers". Iris said"Good. Now let's take a break and get a Snack". Alegra said"Ok Iris". Iris said"No need to keep calling me Iris Call me Mama". Alegra said"R-Really"? Iris said"Yes,Really. Me and Barry are going to take you in as our foster daughter". Alegra said"Thank you"!! Iris said"Your welcome kiddo. Now let's get a Snack". Alegra and Iris went to Jitters. Iris had gotten a Text from her oldest child,Damien. Iris said"Oh my God,Alegra we gotta go to STAR Labs". Alegra said"What's wrong"?! Iris said"Nora's hurt and she fainted". At STAR Labs... Nora was in the Med Bay. Iris said"What's happening"?! Damien said"I-I don't know,This is my fault I left her for one second and she used my elector magnet pulser and it Shocked her"! Damien was crying. Iris said"It's not your fault,it was an Accident. She probably didn't know what it did". Eirk and Bart where in the Lounge. Barry said"CAITLYN,CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO HELP HER"!!! Caitlin said"Barry! I'm doing the best I can"! Harrison pulled him aside and said"Barry,I know you're worried and Upset about Nora but you need to Calm down. Caitlin is doing everything she can right now". Barry sped off into the Speed lab and went on the track. Damien went into the medbay and said"I know how to help her,Richard called me and sent me this formula". Caitlin said"Thanks Damien,I could use your Assistance with making it". Alegra said"Is Nora gonna be ok"? Iris looked at the 13 yr old girl and said"She'll be ok Honey,I promise". Later... Nora was Better. Damien said"Oh thank goodness you're ok Baby Sister,I'm so Sorry that happened baby sis". Nora said"It's ok. It  was an Acci-dent after all,Robbie". Iris said"oh Baby girl,I'm glad your ok"! Nora said"Thanks to Robbie". Iris said"Kids,We have something to tell you". Nora said"W-What is it"? Damien said"Yeah What's up"? Eirk said"Ya Mom"? Bart said"Yeah what's going on"? Barry sped into the room and picked up his youngest child. Barry said"Me and your Mom have decided to take Alegra in as a Foster Child". Nora said"I get's a Big sister"?! Barry said"Yes sweetie you do". Damien said"Now I  have 4 younger siblings,That's great"! Eirk said"That's amazing". Bart said"Now we have 2 younger Sisters"! Alegra said"So who can I roommate with"? Bart said"You can Roommate with me". Alegra said"Cool,Hey Nora wanna show me your Toys"? Nora said"Uh-Huh"! Barry put Nora down onto the floor. Nora grabbed Alegra's hand and sped into the Lounge,digging out her toys. Alegra said"Wow these are cool". Nora said"Daddy got me these and Uncle Cisco made the Plushies". Alegra said"Hopefully,I'll get adopted Soon so I do you have to go back". Nora said"Maybe you's will". Iris said"The kids love her barr,She even wants to be adopted". Barry said"Let's wait till the right time. We need to talk about Rules and stuff with her. This is gonna be new to her,She never had a Family before we found her. Do you think Damien should go with Erik to go see Mardon"? Iris said"I'm sure Damien will,He'll always look after his Siblings". Iris said"Ever since Damien moved back he's been more involved with his Siblings and is Enjoying himself,Not worrying about  Bruce or Anyone in Gotham". Barry said"Yeah". All 4 kids where playing with Nora's toys in the Lounge till her favorite plushie got ripped. Nora said"Oh no,My faborite one rippeded"! Damien said"I'm sure I can fix it sweetie". Bart said"Look Nora,I'm Uncle Snart"! Nora laughed at her Speedster brother as he pretend to be their Uncle Snart. Damien came back with the Plushie and said"See,good as New". Nora said"T'anks Robbie"!! At home... Alegra was set up in Bart's room. She Decorated her half of the wall. Bart said"That's some Cool Decorations". Alegra said"Thanks Bro". Nora was playing in her room. Alegra walked in the room and said"Wow lil' sis your room is cool,Flash stuff everywhere". Eirk said"It's pretty cool isn't? When I was adopted,Nora allowed me to move into her room. I didn't even want to decorate because I was Thankful For her being my roommate". Nora said"Best Ani Eber". Eirk said"Ritorushisu,You're the best". Alegra said"I'm gonna go get my necklace that I wanna give to mom". Alegra went to her and Bart's room,digging through her suitcase,taking out a Necklace.

 Alegra went to her and Bart's room,digging through her suitcase,taking out a Necklace

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Alegra went downstairs and said"Mama,I have something for you. When I was little my mother gave me this before she passed away. Now it's yours". Iris said"Thank Sweetheart,It's beautiful. Thank you". Barry said"I gotta go back to STAR Labs for the Night". Iris said"Ok,Barr be safe. I love you". Barry said"Love you too". Soon,All 5 kids where asleep. Nora was in Damien's room with Damien,Erik was asleep in the Living Room,Bart was in the downstairs Living room and Alegra was in Barry's office/workroom. Iris was busy working on her Article for The Citizen.

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