Damien's Childhood

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Damien was the son of Bruce Wayne. But Bruce had 3 other kids at the time. So he gave Damien to an Adoption Center. Barry and Iris where preparing a Nursery for a Baby boy,they where going to adopt a baby boy. Barry said"Let's go get a Little boy". Iris said"I can't wait". At the Adoption Center... Iris saw Damien wrapped in a Red and Green Blanket. Iris said"Hmm,Damien Wayne". Barry said"He's Bruce Wayne's Child. He's the one". Iris said"Yes,he is". A lady said"So little Damien's caught your eye"? Iris said"Yes,We'd like to adopt him". The lady said"Ok. Just sign here and he's yours". Iris and Barry signed it,Making Damien their Child. Another lady came over to them with Damien and said"Congratulations! Here's your Son". Iris said"Thank you. Look at him,Bear". Barry said"Aw,He's adorable. Let's go home". Back at Home... Barry said"Welcome home my son". Iris said"I wonder why Bruce gave him up? He's Adorable". Barry said"This note was pinned to his blanket when he arrived". Iris said"Read it,pls". Barry said"It says:I'm sorry my little boy but I can't be there for you. I hope you find Wonderful parents and have a good life. I can't be the good father I could be,So I have to leave you". Iris said"Poor Baby. Well,Now he has Us". Barry said"Yeah. And we'll be the best parents,we can be". Later... Barry was rocking with Damien on the rocking chair,Singing a Lullaby. Iris said"So sweet. Hey Bear,Let's start a Baby Book for him. I already started it with the Adoption Paper and The pictures we took when we 1st brought him home".

One Year Later.... Damien had already learned to walk. But Now he's learning to talk. Barry said"Dami,Say Dada. Da-Da". Iris said"Dami,Say Mama. Ma-Ma". Damien said"D-D-Dada"! Barry said"Dami,can you say Daddy"? Damien said"D-D-Daddy"! Barry said"That's my smart Baby"! Iris said"No fair,He likes you better. Your his favorite". Barry said"Maybe our next Child will be a Mommy's Child". Iris said"Yeah,yeah". Damien said"Mwma"! Iris said"My sweet boy". Soon Damien was talking in full sentences.

Damien's new little Brother
Damien is now 3 yrs old. Today is the day his little brother will be born. Damien was excited to meet his little brother. Iris said"C'mon Dami,We gotta go to STAR Labs. It's time to meet your brother. Barry,Let's go,Hunny"! At STAR Labs... Caitlin said"Today's the day,You get to meet your Baby boy". Iris said"It's pretty exciting". After Iris had the Baby... Caitlin said"1st Name"? Iris and Barry  said"Bartholomew". Caitlin said"Middle Name"? Barry said"Harper". Caitlin said"Last name"? Iris said"Allen". Caitlin said"Bartholomew Harper Allen. So he's a Bartholomew Junior"? Barry said"Yes". Iris was holding her son. Barry said"Can I dress him"? Caitlin said"Sure,I got an Outfit right here for him". Barry gently picked him up and put him in a Basinet,Quickly changing him. Barry said"Aw Junior,Your adorable". Iris said"Caitlyn,you bring Damien in to meet his brother"? Caitlyn said"Sure". Caitlin brought Damien into the room. Barry said"Dami,Meet your Baby brother,Bart". Barry let Damien hold Bart. Damien said"Hi Little brother,I'm Dami. Your big brother". Barry said"Damien is gonna be a wonderful brother". Iris smiled at her two sons.

First day of School with Bart
Damien is now 6 and Bart is now 3 yrs old. Today was the 1st day of school for both boys. Damien was Into 1st Grade and Bart in Preschool. Damien had a Batman Backpack while Bart had a Flash backpack. Barry had just dropped them off at School. Bart clung to Damien. Damien said"Don't worry little brother,If you need me tell your teacher and she'll send you to my Class,Ok"? Damien and Bart went to their classrooms. But Damien's class was interrupted by Bart. Damien saw the cuts on him and said"Oh B,It's ok. C'mere". For the remainder of the day,Bart was in Damien's class. Damien was protecting his little brother from Bullies. The two were inseparable.

Meeting Nora.
Damien is 10 and Bart is 6. Today was the Day the meet their Baby sister. Damien and Bart where excited to see their New sister. When Barry and Iris brought Nora home,Both boys where happy. Iris said"Dami,Junior Meet your Baby Sister Nora". Damien said"She's so Cute"! Bart said"She looks like us Mama"! Iris said"I know,But she has Daddy's hair and Eyes while you have mine. And guess what"? Damien and Bart said"What"?! Barry said"Your sister is A Speedster,Like me and you Junior". Bart said"Omg! She's like me"!! Barry said"Yeah she is". Damien said"I wanna hold her". Barry said"Ok Dami". Barry positioned Nora I  Damien's arms. Damien said"Hi Nora,I'm Damien". Nora looked up at him holding his finger. Damien said"She already opened her eyes"?  Barry said"Speedster  Babies are developed more quickly". Bart said"Like how I was"?  Barry said"Yes,Junior". Damien and Bart loved their little Sister so much. They where happy to have a Little Sister.

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