2 sick and Hurt Kids

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Nora and Bart woke up feeling like Crud. Nora was crying,Wanting her Daddy. Barry sped into his Daughter's room and said"Hey sweetie,What's wrong"? Nora was crying too much to Speak,Then she threw up Blood. Bart was fainted. Barry looked over into his room and said"Iris! Call Caitlin and tell her to get a Van with Medical supplies here Now"!! Iris called Caitlin,telling her to hurry. Caitlin had Arrived outside... Barry rushed out holding Nora and having Bart on his Shoulders. Caitlin said"Lay Bart down on the gurney and hold Nora close to you". At STAR Labs... Caitlin was Examining Bart and Nora. Caitlin said"Bart was Dehydrated and felt a bit warm,He should be ok in a week or so". Barry said"Is he awake"? Caitlin said"He is asleep for now,He just needs to heal". Barry said"What about Nora,How's my Baby girl"? Caitlin said"She has a High fever and she had Broncidus". Barry said"Oh No. How long will it take for her to get better". Caitlin said"Roughly a Week or More,Same as Bart". Iris,Joe and Cecile showed. The other kids were at Jena's apartment. Barry ran to Iris,Crying. Iris said"Shh,Babe They're going to be ok. You know why"? Barry said"Why"? Iris said"Cause,they're their dad's kids and will be better in No time". Barry said"Caity,Can we take them home"? Caitlin said"Sure,Just be careful with Nora". Barry said"I'm always careful with my Baby". Back at Home... Bart was in his room,Hooked up to an IV,While Nora had an Oxygen mask and an IV. Nora was awake and said"D-Daddy,W-What happened"? Barry said"You where Unconscious for awhile Baby girl,Aunt Caity says you have Broncidus". Nora said"It that Bad"?! Barry said"Nora,Sweetie calm down. You're gonna be ok Baby Girl". Nora said"Stwy,Pease Daddy"? Barry said"Anything for you,Baby girl". Barry snuggled with Nora. Iris said"How is she"? Barry said"She's hurting,I can tell". Iris said"She's strong. They're both Strong like their Dad". Barry said"Nora is my Baby". Iris said"She's our Baby,Honey". Barry said"I know,I just meant she's more like me. My eyes,My hair,yellow Lightning identical to mine and She has Autism like I do". Iris said"Yes she is her Daddy's Baby more than her Mommy's". Barry said"I'll stay here with her,You go be with Junior Alright"? Iris said"Ok". Iris went into Bart's room and Sat beside Him. Barry stayed in Nora's room with her. Nora woke  up again. Nora said"D-Daddy"?! Barry said"I'm here Baby Girl,Everything ok"? Nora said"Hurts". Barry said"What Hurts Baby"? Nora said"My side". Barry said"Let me see". Barry lifted up her shirt and felt her side. Nora cried out. Barry said"I'll call Aunt Caity ok"? Barry called Caitlin and told her to come over ASAP.  Caitlyn arrived at the house with her Medical Supplies. Barry said"She just woke a couple minutes ago and she said her side hurts". Caitlyn said"I need an X-ray of her side". Caitlyn brought out a small X-ray and took an X-ray of Nora's side. Caitlin said"She has 3 broken ribs". Barry said"She will be ok Right"? Caitlin said"Sure,It'll take the same amount of time as her sickness". Iris said"Hey Cait,Bart needs you. His leg is hurting". Caitlin said"He'll be ok. It'll heal in same amount of time as his Cold". Iris said"Thanks Cait". Caitlin said"I better go or My dad will get Mad. I'll see you later". Barry said"Bye Caity". Iris said"Bye Cait". Caitlin said"Bye guys". Caitlin left and went home... Barry was holding Nora in his Arms,Singing 'Come running home to you'. Nora was asleep,Her Flash paci in her mouth,flash bear under her arm and Snuggled with her daddy. Iris stayed with Bart,Watching over him as he slept. Soon,Both Barry and Iris where asleep. Barry in Nora's room,holding his daughter and Iris beside her son's bed,her head beside his on the pillow.

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