The Amusement Park

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Damien was already up with Nora,giving her a Bath. Barry woke up as well. Barry said"Morning Dami,Morning Baby girl". Nora Said"M'orning Daddy". Damien said"Today we go to the Amusement right"? Barry said"Yes,Today's the Day". After Everyone got dressed and ate breakfast. Iris said"Alright are we ready to go"? Barry said"I guess so". Nora had her plushie in her arms. At the Amusement park...  Barry took the kids on the Flash ride. Iris ate a Hotdog and a Cupcake. Nora loved how fast it went. Bart also liked how fast it was. Damien liked how it spun. After getting off the Ride,the kids split up. Damien went with Nora,Bart when Alegra and Erik went off alone. Damien said"Hey Baby Sis,You wanna go on the Batman one"? Nora said"Yes". Erik was also on the Batman Rollercoaster. Alegra and Bart went on the Green Arrow Ride. Damien held Nora. Nora was Scared and clung to him. When the 3 of them got off the Ride,Damien took Nora into the bathroom and changed her Pull-up. Soon it was time to go back to the Hotel. Damien and Nora were tired,Bart wasn't tired and neither where the other 2. But they where ready to leave.

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