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TW: swearing

I slam the door in his face and walk back to my room. I throw my bathrobe on and comb my hair. On my way back out I put my cup in the sink. I open the door and greet him,

"Hi Sapnap, how are you this morning?"

He pushes past me inside and gives me a hug. I am startled but hug him back.

"Bro what happened? We thought you were like, kidnapped or something!! Why didn't you answer your phone? You had us worried sick!" he fumed while pacing my kitchen, he took his hat on and off running his hands through his hair. I couldn't help giggling at him.

"This isn't funny y/n! Dream was going to call the cops until I told him I would drive over here and check on you. I rang your fucking doorbell at least three times! What the FUCK were you doing!" He continued pacing and it became visible how upset he and the boys must be.

"Ok, first I am sorry I made you guys worry that much but I do have a very good reason. Second, you can stop pacing and sit down." He huffs and sits down with his arms crossed, still visibly upset. "Me and Niki stayed up super late last night having a girls night and I literally woke up two minutes ago. I was just about to call Dream back when you rang the doorbell." I finish, showing him my phone which had Dream's contact pulled up.

"What about Niki?" he said, less upset now.

"We stayed up late and when we went to bed we both passed out within minutes, she didn't charge her phone last night. It's on the charger now."

He sighs and leans his head back against the back of the couch.

that was hot

"Sorry I worried you guys" I say, feeling guilty.

"It's ok." Sapnap murmured. We sat there in silence a bit before I remembered,

"So do you happen to know what we are doing today? I forgot to ask yesterday."

"Oh um no. I think Dream wanted to make Jack a surprise birthday cake and meal," he started, "Him and George are going shopping today to get the ingredients and go gift shopping. I can't say for sure though."

I totally forgot Jack's Birthday. This is bad. "Oh that's cool. Do you already have him a gift?" I ask.

"Yes I do, but I'm going later to find some wrapping paper. I don't need to go with George and Dream because they will probably take all day."

Damn, I'll have to ask Niki if she has a present for him yet and see if she will go with me to find him one. "Oh cool. "

We sit there in silence when I forgot to tell Niki that Sapnap was here. I go down the hall and knock on the bathroom door,

"Niki it's y/n. I just wanted to tell you that Sapnap is here."

"Oh ok, thank you y/n!" she yells, being muffled by the door.

"Do you need me to get you some cloths?"

"No I have some, thank you!" With that I head back into the living room.

"Help yourself to anything if you are hungry or thirsty. I need to shower. Oh and you don't have to sit here either, you can go home." I say, and go to shower. I am collecting what I need when Niki comes into my room. She checks how much her phone is charged. Now is the perfect opportunity.

"Niki, do you have a present for Jack's Birthday?" I ask.

"Yes I do. I brought one from Germany, it is already wrapped."

Damn. "Oh ok." I finish collecting my things and go into my bathroom.


I get out of the shower and comb my hair, I decide to let it airdry, and get dressed. I decide on a casual outfit because I can always change depending on what we are doing. I put my towel in the dirty hamper and walk out to the living room where Sapnap and Niki are. When I walk in they look up at me.

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