Come Together

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Naruto's p.o.v
♪Here we are with our backs against the wall. We got big city dreams, but we don't move from the asphalt. We run away from our own imagination. But at the same time, we've got this amazing fascination.♪

Why do I feel this way? It feels like my mind is continuously pulling me away from something but my heart keeps pushing me forward with a greater force....

"Kurama are you doing this?" I asked in a hopeful way. If he was the cause then I at least knew how to handle it.

"Its not me kid." Kurama snickered in a mock way.

"If its not you then what is it?" I asked now more confused than before.

"It's something you have to figure out on your own." He sighed.

"So you know what it is?" I asked tryung to get more information.

"Yes I do. But that doesn't mean I'll help you." He smirked.

"Well thanks anyway..." I grumbled sarcastically.

I blocked him out of my thoughts and continued to aimlessly walk down the streets of Konoha.

Jeez, he was no help. But at least he said I'd have to figure it out. But I have no idea what I need to figure out. Or where to start. Ugh, this is gonna be hard. Maybe it'll come to me later.....I KNOW!! Maybe some ramen will help Mr think better. Yea, good dependable ramen. I wish ramen could solve all my problems. But alas! Ramen is too delicate and perfect to deal with such lowly things.

♪We've got hopes on the horizons.
We can't stop from climbing the mountain.
We're sick and tired of keeping silent.
We are, we are, we are,♪

I sighed and stopped abruptly when I noticed my aimless walk had made my feet wander to the Hyuga did I end up here of all places?

"Naruto-kun?" I suddenly heard an angelic voice say.

I turned around and saw Hinata walking along the side of the mansion in a purple jogging suit. She seemed to be slightly out of breathe. Sweat was trickling down her pale but beautiful smooth skin. I snapped myself out of my trance when I saw the worried look on Hinata's face....and I noticed how close she had gotten.

"Ohayu Hinata" I said trying to not look like a fool.

♪We are gonna come together.
We're gonna come together now.
We are gonna run together.
We're gonna turn it upside down.
Cause with the smoke in the mirror, I can see your face.
So let's run to the fire escape.
Come together, we're gonna come together now.♪

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