Anniversary? pt. 1

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Naruto p.o.v

Great. Another afternoon stuck at my desk. What a pain....

Whats even worse is that I'm starting to sound like Shikamaru.

I sighed as I slumped down in my chair and swiveled it around so that I was facing my window.

"What's up Shika?" I yelled outside my door.

"Well I was gonna knock but I see that's not needed anymore." Shikamaru walked in chuckling and sat down.

"Yea, yea, yea. Whats up? Any new reports on the mission I sent team 3 on?" I sighed turning my chair around.

"Well yes and no." Shika said playing with a random chess piece.

"What's that supposed to mean? Is it another one of your riddles?" I said confused.

"Not at all. My riddles are much harder than that. But team 3 got done with that mission yesterday so technically there is no report." Shikamaru put down the piece.

"Really? That was quick. I guess time flies when I'm in this office." I said leaning back.

"That wasn't quick at all. They were gone for a month." Shika pointed out.

"Well it was only they're 2nd mission so it was quick enough." I said slightly in defence.

"Naruto. You've been in this office for weeks. Months actually. When was the last time you spent time with your family. With Hinata?" Shikamaru said standing up.

"What are you getting at?" I grumbled.

"Do you even know what day it is?" Shika asked leaning against the wall.

"Yes of course I know it's Wednesday the 5th of March." I stated pointing to my calendar.

"No its Tuesday the 15th of July."Shikamaru said turning the pages of the calendar.

"Ok so I have been in here for some months now what is your point Shika?" I said sitting up.

"As your advisor and friend my point is that you get the hell up out that chair and check your dates because today is the day before your anniversary." Shikamaru said circling tomorrow on my calendar in red.

" anniversary. Crap. I.....I completely forgot. I don't even know what I'm gonna do. I don't have a plan for this. I...I–" I was cut off by Shika throwing a kunai at my head.

"Calm down. I knew you would forget about it so that's why I reminded you today. Its only 8:55a.m so you have the whole day to figure something out. If you need help just ask Choji and Ino. Believe it or not they helped me too." Shikamaru said scratching the back of his neck while chuckling.

I sighed and threw the kunai back at him as he caught it, "Thanks man." I put on my hokage cloak and hat then walked out.

"I've got a lot of planning to do." I sighed and ran out my office thinking of nothing but Hinata.

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Hey peeps

I haven't updated in months but im back now.

I know those dates arent real I just picked them at random.

There will be another part to this and it will be soon.

Im sorry if this seemed short but I'm kinda running out of ideas in my think tank. Don't worry it'll refill once I eat again.

Anywho I hope you guys liked this first part again I'll be updating soon.


Love ya lots ❤✌

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