A Tale of Tales

553 17 3

Naruto's p.o.v

I had just gotten back to the house from my desk. Today was more tiring than usual.

With a sigh I unlocked the door and closed it being me. I took off my shoes and hung my hokage cloak and hat up.

It was late so I didn't really expect the kids to be up or for Hinata to be up.

I entered the kitchen expecting Hinata to be there, because she usually falls asleep on the table waiting for me.

Instead of my sleeping wife, I found a plate on the table with food and brownies on the stove.

That's weird, usually Hinata puts my plate in the fridge...

I walked into the living room and found nobody on the couch or chairs.

Maybe she actually went to sleep in the room this time?

I sighed once again and went back to the kitchen to eat the food that Hinata had made.

I quickly devoured the delicious food that had been prepared earlier. I got up and washed my plate off. Afterwards, I then helped myself to one of the brownies.

As I ate the brownie, I went upstairs to our room. I was about to pass the kids room when I noticed the light on and I heard Himawari's little laughter.

Curious, I peeked through the door and saw Boruto, Hinata, and Himawari tucked under a blanket with a lamp on. They didnt notice me yet so I opened the door a bit wider to listen in.

Hinata's soft voice bounced of the walls,"...and thats why your father ended up being tied up to a wooden post. Naruto, being him of course, was very hungry. His stomach kept growling and your uncle Sasuke got very irritated by the sound so he offered to give Naruto some of his lunch."

"What for? Didn't you say that old man Kakashi said to not do that?" Boruto said with a snort.

I frowned but continued listening.

"Hush big brother! Let mommy finish." Himawari hit his head.

I lightly chuckled at my fiery spirited daughter.

"Thank you Himawari. Boruto you were right though." Hinata smiled at him.

His eyes widened but he looked confused,"I was?"

Hinata nodded,"Yes. You were. See, Kakashi-sensai had specifically told your uncle Sasuke, and your aunt Sakura, to not share they're food with Naruto. But Sasuke, at the time, didn't see the point in having a comrade try to fight to get the bells back on an empty stomach. Sakura eventually saw his point and also offered Naruto some of her food."

"But didn't Kakashi-sensai say they would get in trouble if they did?" Himawari said worried.

Aww how cute. She sounds so interested.

"Yes he did say that. But Sasuke and Sakura did what they did knowing they would get in trouble. Why do you think that is?" Hinata asked them both.

"Because they thought Dad was a wimp?" Boruto guessed.

My jaw dropped and felt gloom overwhelm me.

"Uhm...well no." Hinata laughed a bit.

"Ooh I know. It's because Daddy's tummy was a monster and Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura were afraid of the monster so they gave Daddy's tummy monster food as an offering. But the food was poisoned so they would kill the tummy monster when Daddy ate the food. Then that would make Daddy happy and they defeated the tummy monster with teamwork and food!!" Himawari guessed while showing them drawings of her analogy.

Together ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon