Unspoken Words

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Hinata's p.o.v

It was rainy today. The dark clouds slowly but surely overlapping themselves, blocking out the bright yellow rays of the hot sun.

There were some kids playing in the rain. Splashing in puddles. Sparring with umbrellas. Getting all muddy.

It was quite adorable. Seeing their innocence, that is. They're so young, innocent, immature, and rowdy. But it somehow puts me into a state of awe. I'm not quite sure why but I have a possible theory.

Maybe it's because I wish we all could go back and still be like that.

Maybe its because I didn't want to go through half the stuff we went through.

Maybe its because I never wanted to grow up from the start. Maybe I truly thought that we would stay young our entire lives and not age.

Maybe it's because I didn't want people, good people, to vanish from our lives.

But those are all just empty wishes. Things I know will never come true.  But if there's one thing I've ever learned from a certain someone.

Its that it never hurts to dream. Sure enough the road to that dream may be rocky with spikes but in the end, its worth every bruise.

I sighed as I sat down on our lavender couch and relaxed. Taking advantage of the fact that Boruto and Himawari are at their friends house.

I swung my feet on the couch with me and laid my head on the cream pillow letting my tiredness take over as my eyes slowly shut in a comfortable sleep.

Naruto's p.o.v

Ugh. Now I see why Granny-Tsunade always drank. All this paperwork is so tiresome.

Mission reports. Training reports. Incidents in other random areas. Choji's usual food rant....

Honestly, why is there even a category for that?

I groaned internally as I realized the guys just pulled a prank on me. That's when I realized the gang was all in the room.

I've just been too preoccupied to notice them just standing there with smirks on their faces.

"You guys are assholes." I said smugly before balling up the Choji report and throwing it at his face.

"Aw come on Naruto." Choji complained opening a new bag of chips.

"Loosen up already. You've been to wound tight." Ten-Ten spoke suggestively as she sat down.

"Yea, you've been cooped up in here for far too long." Shino said.

"Yea well its easier said then done, loosening up I mean. I have responsibilities. Tasks to take care of. I can't just up and leave just to hang out anymore. Sure enough I'm well aware that you all have jobs and lives if your own but at least you have the privilege to take a break." I said authority lacing my voice.

"Geez, Naruto. I know you're hokage and all but as your once fellow teammate I'm worried. You haven't been the same lately." Sakura said worry in her eyes.

"Well, Sakura, as I just said: I can't be a kid anymore. Those times are over for us. The new generation is slowly rising. I miss being a kid but I'm glad I grew. It's high time we all grew up don't you think?" I said my eyes softening as I looked outside at the sunset.

"Who the hell are you?" A familiar voice spoke from behind everyone closing the door.

"S....Sa.........Sasuke-kun?" Sakura said tears welling up in her eyes.

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