You Talk Too Much ∞2∞

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Naruto's p.o.v

I started to run faster as they almost got out my of sight in the forest.

Why the hell do they have Hinata?! Who the hell are they?! I swear on my future hokage title if this the Anbu Black-Ops I'm gonna have a few choice words to say to Kakashi-sensai.

I growled in a warning tone knowing they would hear it......whoever it is. I was starting to get agitated at these people.

Of all people to take why Hinata?! If it were someone else then maybe I wouldn't be as pissed but I would be mad. Either way they're taking people. I intend to find out why and stop it.

I took out a kunai and threw it managing to pin one against a tree. I saw that I had apparently cut they're arm. I don't have time to deal with them right now. I have to catch up to his or her friends.

I passed the person I pinned quickly and was surprised to see long blonde hair. How looked so familiar.....oh well no time to dwell on it.

I quickly started swinging on the branches to catch up faster. This would have been considered fun if I wasn't afraid I would lose the love of my life in a forest. Maybe I'll take Hinata on a date here.......if she doesn't reject me that is.

After all I wouldn't be surprised if she did. I'm a poor kid. She's rich. I'm a rascal. She's collected. I'm a mess. She's a beauty. We're complete opposites.

Will you shut up already. You sound like a bitch.


What it's the truth. You sound like your mother on her period. God that was awful.

Shut it!!

Here's an idea: I'll shut up when you grow some balls.

You irritate me. So much. Why are you even talking? What the hell do you want.

Baka I'm trying to tell you to man up and stop worrying about that Hyuuga chick rejecting you. Just be brave and dont embarrass yourself because I'll never hear the end of it from 8, 5, and especially 1 tails.

Ugh! OK OK OK! I get it. Go away now.

Sayonara baka.

I hopped onto a branch and sighed in annoyance when I didn't see the captors for Hinata. Jeez, I hate him. I looked around me for a second then I realized I had actually gone far ahead of them.

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