Family Matters

777 16 3

Hinata's p.o.v

"Himawari-chan what should I make your Papa for dinner?" I asked picking her small body up in my arms.

Himawari suddenly widened her eyes and put both of her hands on my cheeks,"Nuplees!!"

I laughed, "Good choice. I think he would love some noodles."

She nodded her head excitedly and jumped out my arms to drag me to the kitchen.

I put on my apron and turned around to my daughter "Do you wanna help mommy today?

"Hai!!" She said excitedly.

"Then how about you go to the cabinet and get the pot while I turn on the water and stove." I said pointing to the cabinet.

She got up and grabbed a chair to climb on the counter to reach the cabinet.

I smiled and turned on the water to the right temperature.

"Mommy I have pot now" Hinamori smiled and was about to climb down the counter.

"Hinamori there's a spider!!" Boruto yelled out of nowhere.

Hinamori yelled and tried turn around but she slipped off the counter causing her to drop the pot and somehow knock down our flour.

I hurriedly catched her in my arms causing all the flour to get on me and the pot to land on my head.

"Bo-bo that was mean!!" Himawari whined and got from under me to throw a spoon at Boruto.

"But it was funny!!" Boruto yelled and threw the spoon back but Himawari dodged and the spoon knocked the pot down spilling the water in the process.

"Minna, I'm home!" I heard Naruto yell from the door.

"Papa!" Himawari talked his leg in her little embrace

"Hey old man!!" Boruto said jumping on his shoulder somehow.

"Hey ya little rascals where's your mom?" Naruto asked.

"Papa, Mommy's playing in the kitchen." Himawari said adorably.

I stood up and sighed at the fact that I still didn't make dinner and I'm covered in flour with a pot on my head.

I walked forward but soon fell as I tripped on the water "Kya!!"

"Hinata?" Naruto said worriedly.

"Hai." I groaned on the floor. Great. Now I'm wet with flour on me and a pot on my wet. I might as we'll be a soufflé.

"Are you in the kitchen?" Naruto said.

"Hai." I said again.

Naruto walked into the kitchen and looked around confused.

"Hina—" He began again.

"Down here......" I sighed on the floor.

Naruto bent down and just gave off this confused look. "Do I even want to know what happened......or even how?"

"Probably not. I admit its not my best moment.....or look......I think I'm just gonna lay here." I sighed.

Naruto chuckled and took off the pot from my head,"You look nothing less than amazing. Sure enough this may be very weird but I find it adorable."

I blushed and sat up with his help, "But I didn't even make dinner. Himawari was going to help me make noodles for you."

"Wait......if you were making noodles then why is there flour–" He said confused.

"Don't ask..." I said.

"Don't worry about dinner then. We'll all just go out to ichirakus!!" Naruto grinned.

"Okay." I smiled.

Naruto suddenly pulled me into his embrace,"Hinata?"

"Naruto-kun?" I said blushing but confused.

"Do you remember that day I said you would make a good wife someday?" Naruto asked.

My eyes widened but I smiled gently and wrapped arms around him returning his embrace, "Yes I remember."

"Well I'm glad that I was lucky enough to be worthy of you." He said tightening his grip on me.

"I'm glad too..." I whispered in his ear.

"Dog pile!!" Boruto yelled tackling me down on Naruto.

"Boruto!!" Naruto yelled holding his head.

"Yaaaay!" Himawari yelled jumping on top of Boruto with a 'oof' from me and Boruto.

Yes, Naruto I'm glad that we got this far. I hope we make it farther. Not just for us. But for our kids too.


Ohayu minna!

This was just something that came at random.

If you want me to update faster then I'll gladly take requests.


Love ya lots ❤✌

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