Anniversary pt 2

707 18 7

Naruto's p.o.v

I was casually walking down the streets of Konoha heading to Ino's flower shop.

I was trying my best quickly get there seeing as people keep gasping and whispering about me being out of my office for once. It was starting to annoy me aside from the fact that there was a group of girls following me. It was obvious to me but they don't know that.

I sighed and lightly shook my head at them and everyone else. It really was hilariously sad. I rounded a street and sure enough Ino was outside taking care of flowers and Sakura was talking to her. I was a tad surprised to see Sakura there but I shrugged it off.

"Ohayu Ino, ohayu Sakura!!" I smiled they're way.

Both Sakura and Ino looked up and smiled but then chuckled. I guess they also see the mini crowd of crazy behind me.

Sakura walked past me and confronted the girls,"Girls. Is there a reason for as to why you are following the Seventh?"

They all blushed and squirmed a bit,"Because...because I'm in love!" One girl with green eyes said.

"Love? You realize he's in his 20's right?" Ino said gesturing to me. I simply waved.

"A-Age makes no difference!! I'm in love and no one can stop me!" The green eyed girl said.

"Actually someone can." Sakura said with a giggle.

"Yea, his wife." Ino stated.

"He's married?!" The green eyed girl screamed.

"Yes. Yes he is." Sakura sweatdropped.

"To who!?" She asked.

"The best person in the world. Hinata Hyuuga." I said walking up to the little girl,"I love her very much. When I look at her I see the world in her eyes. My world. What's your name little one?"

"M-My name is Cara" She said blushing crimson red.

"Well Cara you wanna know something?" I chuckled.

"H-Hai!" Cara said with wide eyes.

"You remind me of how I was when I was younger. I was young and impressionable. I was in love with someone who was in love with someone else but someone else already loved me." I said laughing a bit.

"Oh dear God" Sakura chuckled knowing exactly what I meant.

"But nobody's in love with me! They're all afraid of me..." Cara said softly.

I glanced behind her and chuckled,"I wouldn't be too sure of that." I turned her head and we both saw a boy duck behind a bush.

"Now go and be content with the one who already loves you." I fluffed her hair and she walked away with her friends.

"That was sweet. I didn't know you were capable of being sweet." Ino said crossing her arms.

"I'm not." I said scratching my head.

"Then how'd you know that boy was there? And what about what you said to her?" Sakura questioned.

"It was coincidence that he was there. Plus I was simply comparing situations." I said with a shrug.

"Bullshit. Anyway its not everyday that we see you outside your office. What's the occasion?" Sakura asked with a raised brow.

"Oh. Well I need your help. Ino in specific and Choji. Sakura you can help if you want." I looked at them both seriously.

"Let's go inside. This sounds serious plus Choji's in there eating my chocolate flowers." Ino said shaking her head.

I nodded my head and walked in after Sakura and Ino. Sure enough, Choji was sitting on a chair eating chocolate flowers for some strange reason.

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