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y/n pov

it's been about a week since you've come to karasuno. the friends you've made so far are noya, tanaka, suga and daichi and u also know the whole volleyball boy club. You were hoping for some girl friends but a lot of them just glare at you.

at least there better than the people in america.

you were at the vending machine looking at the gym where you saw tanaka spiking a ball.
'hey' someone said to me.
you turned around to see a girl, her hands on her hips, looking up at you angrily.
'oh hi' you said trying to sound like you had no clue what was going on.

but you did. you knew exactly what was going on. this was the THIRD pick me girl that came up to you this week. she was going to tell you to back off from the guy that she likes and try and start a fight, like miss gurl with that attitude and that height?! what can u even do? the girl infront of you was at least 4'11.

'stop flirting with the guy i like back the fuck away' she said in her high annoying uwu voice. you rolled your eyes.

oh dear me wasn't i right.

before you could say anything, a girl came running up to us and pushed the pick me girl away. You raised your eyebrows at her and laughed at the pick me girl on the ground.

'ok listen here bitch' she started, 'this foreigner did nothing ok, it's ur little crush who likes a girl that isn't a pick me uwu short kid like you.'

'damnnnn slay gurl' you say.

the pick me girl ran away, uwu crying

'BAHAHAHAH she looks like a dumbass' you saying pointing at her.

'I know right' the girl said, 'i'm mina sato nice to meet u'

'y/n L/n' you said taking out your hand. she quickly grabbed it thinking it was a handshake but then you pulled her to the gym.

'hey y'all i'm here with best friend' i yelled at the volleyball boys, mostly to noya and tanaka.

'hey i thought i was ur beatfriend' Noya pouted

'ur my best friend but mina is my best best friend'

'dude didn't u two just meet, i saw all the commotion, i gotta admit, it was funny' tanaka says

'wanna play some music???' mina says

'duhhh ofc!' i said dragging her hand.

'u know what song?' mina smirked wiggling her eyebrows

'yep' y/n says wiggling her eyebrows back

'what is happening..?' suga says

'3..' You say

'2..' Mina says back

'1!!!' they both say and clicked there phone turning the volume up all the way.

all i am is a man
i want the world in my hands

'pls not sweater weather' tsuki exclaims

'r u guys twins or something?' hinata asks

'what is this song?' kageyama says

'sweater weather is my jam!!' i say and start singing the words with mina.



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