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Y/n pov

We finally reached Tokyo, sadly the power duo weren't here. You walked out of the bus and layed on the ground still tired from the trip. You then slowly started to sleep until someone nudged you on the shoulder.

'Y/n wake up, you can't just sleep here'

You groan and turned your head to the person opening your still blurry eyes.

You started, 'Jesus? Is that you? I'm dead already! Thank go-'

'No it's just me, Asahi.' He said scratching his nape with his other hand out.

'Oh' You say then you hear a weird maniac laugh on you right side.

'Jesus Christ whose screaming like a French man, I didn't realise we were in France.' You say rubbing your eyes.

'Now, now Chibi-chan' A guy said, 'Sorry but i'm not that French man you were hoping for' he says.

You look up to not see Jesus or Asahi or a French man but a rooster head.

'Oh so that was you huh rooster head.'

Asahi brought u back in your standing position and the rooster head started to speak again.

'The names Kuroo Testuro darling' Smirking at you.

'Can I call you daddy?' You ask eyeing him up and down.

'Whatever suits you, darling' He says with a smirk

'L/n. L/n Y/n, nice to meet you daddy' You say returning your smirk. Asahi was still next to you guys looking a bit panicked

'Now, now don't get ahead of yourselves, we have a whole week!' Suga says with a smile.

'Meet y'all bitches later, bye Kuroo.' You say saluting awkwardly at him and running away with your suitcase.

He so daddy.

Timeskip brought to you by i suck at writing———>

'Hey, Y/n it's time for introductions with the others' Kiyoko calls out to me.

'Yeah coming', bringing your nintendo switch and listening to music while walking to gym 3, since your introductions are with Nekoma. You were listening to the best song, wishing Mina was beside you vibing the song with her. The song was playing out loud, you forgot to bring your headphones down stairs so you just vibe to it by the loudest volume your phone could go to. You quietly start to sing, then it got louder due to the fact Sweater Weather was to good.

'Touch my neck and I'll touch yours'
'You ain those little waisted shorts, oh' You sang out loud

You then closed your eyes and used your hand as a microphone and started to sing, not realising how loud you were.

'She knows what I think about'
'You wanna think about'

You were walking to gym 3 without even noticing.

'One love to mouths'
'One love one house'
'No shirt no blouse'
'Just us you find out'
'Nothing that we need to tell bout oh'
'Cuz it's too co-'

You opened your eyes and realise the whole Nekoma and Karasuno team. You stopped in your tracks, your face slightly heating up from embarrassment. I'm so fucking stupid why the fuck did I do that.

'Ummmm.....' You started scratching your nape then you started to hear loud music. Looking around the room you saw Kuroo. He has his speaker in his hand with the song sweater weather on at the part you were cut of.

'Your not gonna let me vibe to this alone are you?' Kuroo yelled at me from across the room. You looked around to see Daichi not there so you started to sing with Kuroo

'And I'
'So let me gooo'
'Up your hands in the holes of my sweater' You and Kuroo sang.

'And If i may just take your breath away'
'I don't mind if it's not much to say'
'Sometimes the silents got to mind'
'And move to the place so far away yeah' You sang while Kuroo vibed with you. People started to cheer at you and hummed along, Noya and Tanaka were filming the whole singing thing

'The goosebump starts to raise'
'The minute that my hand just meets ur waist' Kuroo sang

'And I watch your face while my finger running down cuz it live the tastes yea' You sand making your own trill at the end.

'Go Y/n whooo!' Tanaka screeched out.

'Coming down one love two mouths'
'One love one house no shirt no blouse'
'Just us you find nothing that we need to tell about'
Kuroo sang

You then sang, 'No,no, no oh oh oh, CUZ ITS TO CO-'

'Y/N!' A loud clear voice came from the club room. Everyone stopped dancing, Tanaka and Noya stopped filming, everybody froze, heck the song even stopped.

Ah shit, it's Daichi, I'm a dead girl now

'Y/n isn't here right now, leave a message' You say making a boop noise and tapped your nose which made a few people chuckle.

'Tell her I said we should do this again' Kuroo brought up.

'Will do' You saluted at everybody, smiling at Kuroo and ran away.

'Y/N GET UR ASS BACK HERE' Daichi yelled


A few moments later———>

'I am very sorry about that' Daichi says to Karasuno and Nekoma them still in gym 3. The people tried to hold there laughter at where Y/n was and what she was doing.

Yea that's right. Daichi was holding you upside down while you played on your switch.

'Oh god-' Daichi sighs rubbing his forehead


Just realised how cringe this is

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