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Y/n pov

'Soooo, what was that red drink?' Kuroo asked you

'What red drink?' You say trying to remember

'The one from kidnapping Tsuki' He says while taking a drink from his bottle

'oh that was wine'


He spits out the water and onto Bokuto who just happened to walk by


'i'm having a very urgent matter with y/n-chan right now so talk later frost tips,' he said to the owl like boy then turned back to you, 'Seriously wine?!'

'yes and..?'

'chibi-chan ur only 17, how'd u even get that'

'for the record i'm 16 turning 17 and i stole it from the kitchen'

'ok that's even worse'

'so what if i drink wine, it's not like i'll get drunk'

'you probably will, y/nie so don't drink it'

'no and i can cope with this shit, ya don't need to worry' you say while gliding away on ur neon burger socks.

it was currently ur 3rd day here (idek) and the boys were playing there last matches. since karasuno looked like they didn't need help, you went to the managers room to grab the bottle of wine from ur bag and walked out to an empty corridor to sit on the balcony

u were thinking of drinking romantically on the balcony watching the sunset with no one disturbing and u did, but instead u drank too much than intended. it was currently an hour after the sun has setted and you were still there enjoying your moment. it was 7pm and you skipped dinner so you and your wine can relax.

u were about to take another gulp from your cup until something stopped u

Kuroos pov

I put my hand on her wrist, preventing her from drinking even more. Her face was lightly tinted with red from all the drinking. I looked to the side to see two bottles on the ground empty, oh god how much did u drink Y/n.

I took the cup from her hand, she was wobbling while standing up, I couldn't help but cringe at her cuteness

She looked up into my eyes, i can see her skin reflecting from the starry night. god she looked beautiful. I looked at her, putting my hand on her jaw while my other hand in her hip. She was wearing my hoodie which looked cute on her.

What is this feeling? Do i like...?

No that can't be.

Y/ns pov

I felt dizzy i partly knew what I was doing, i looked to the side for a second to look at the bright full moon. I place my hands on his shoulders while he put his hand on my jaw and the other on my waist. it felt perfect.

3rd person

It was a beautiful moment. Kuroo was about to back away because he didn't want to be that person to take advantage when she's drunk.

he was about to go but Y/n grabbed his wrist. Kuroo looked into her pretty e/c eyes. he wanted to look into them forever but he knew he couldn't because he can tell that y/n doesn't like him.

Kuroo back away then Y/n hugged him. A small gasp escaped his mouth

'Tetsuro, dont go~' She whined

Kuroo felt his heart pop out of his chest when y/n had just called Kuroo by his first name, a slight blush crept onto his face

'come on y/n ur drunk, i'll take u back to the room' Kuroo chucked, lifting Y/n up bridal style.

'no i wanna stay here with you Tetsu' She says hittting his chest playfully

'seriously y/n, i'll drop u if u continue to whine' Kuroo slightly laughs, liking the nickname she gave him.

'can i kiss u?' Y/n asks

Kuroo froze on the spot by what Y/n has said. A slight blush appears on his face as his body tense up

'Y/n no, i cant take advantage when yo-'

Kuroo was cut of by the thing he wanted the most ever since he met her.

A kiss.

Y/n held Kuroos jaw while she kissed him passionately. Kuroo loves the feeling of her soft warm lips on his. He kissed her back.

Until he realized what he was doing. He pulled away quickly.

'Tetsuuuu, i wanna kiss u more!!'

'I'll kiss u when ur sober'

Kuroo pov

Did i really just fall for Y/n?

I mean we always flirt but....that kiss.

She probably didn't mean it tho.

She was drunk as hell and I cant believe I took the advantage

I feel so stupid and annoyed at myself

I took her back to the managers room. As I opened the door, Yukie was walking around in circles and Kiyoko was comforting her.

'No what if she-'

Yukie stopped talking and looked Y/n and I.

'Omfg Y/n u had me worried sick!' Yukie exclaims.

'Uhm, she drank a bit too much, I'll get her some food while you rest her. I'll also clean up the mess she made' I say

'Thanks Kuroo you really are the best' Kiyoko says while I hand the half awake Y/n to Yukie


I came back with food and the managers room was complete chaos. Y/n insisted that they do girl talk and all the girls insisted her to sleep.

'The foods here I brought strawberry shortcake i'm not sure if Y/n likes it tho'

'Thanks, Y/n likes anything that is edible Yukie says while I chuckle

'fOr ExAmPlE kUrOoS dIcK' y/n says sitting up then slamming back down again

I stared at her with my eyes widened, did she really just say that, My face was slightly pink and I rubbed by nape looking down.

'U-uhm s-she's just drunk' I say

'you sure u and y/n aren't a thing?' yukie teases

my head shot back up instantly and shook my head while my face got slightly redder.

I've never been this flustered in my life what is happening?!

What is this girl doing to me....

'Pls i'm bored can we talk bout teaaaaa' y/n says

'fine i'll ask u only one question and u have to go to bed' yukie suga and y/n nodded like a baby

'what is kuroo to you?' Yukie asks as she chuckles. I squint my eyes at the question

She thought for one seconds then said it.

'He's just a friend of a friend, but that dick was a 10/10' She says overly excited licking her lips

oh god-

'WHAT' The girls scream then looked at me and I was shocked the same as them.

Y/n then collapse and fell asleep.


hi i am bored and i wrote this part at 2am

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