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y/n pov
i wake up to the feeling of happiness in my veins until it stopped, dead in the tracks. Today was the last day here. Last day of training camp. Last day with Kuroo...

A pang of sadness ran through my body, making it visible for anyone who comes near me. Why did I have to live in Miyagi? Why can't I just live here!?
In tokyo. With Kuroo.

I heavily sighed and walk out of the room, I could feel the stares of sadness the other managers were giving me.

I walked into the cafeteria to see Kuroo also walking in. He looked...happy? Why? Is it because i'm finally leaving? Was I annoying him?! Fuck, I shouldn't have clinged on to him like that.

He was walking up to me. Why do I suddenly not know what to do?

'Hey Y/nie' he said to me.

I looked up to him smiling and I gulped out a, 'Hey Kurooster'

'Don't look so sad Y/n-chan,' He said then wrapped his arm around my shoulder making me tense slightly.

How could I not feel sad if i'm leaving you already?

'Today is actually a free day chibi-chan'

'Free day?' I ask

'Yeah like we're supposed to explore Tokyo as an
exchangement to our practising'

I let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I hugged him with all my might I have and he hugged back

People were chuckling at me because I was a tad bit to loud, just a tad.

'Yes I'm so excited! My last day would be fun and I get to spend time with you,' I said which made him blush. I loved looking at him get flustered.

Saltyshitma pov

i walked in on Kuroo and Y/n hugging. Secretly fangirling inside.

'They look so cute' I heard the Fukurudani manager aka the person that keeps stalking me say.

'I know right'

I looked at them again and said, 'Two people in love without knowing'

'that sounded so hot saltyshima!' Yukie, I think that was her name, said to me

'tch shut up' i say and walk away


kuroo pov

we were sitting on the bus with a few other people because most people wanted to stay and practise. My bros came thats one, Tsukishima, Bokuto, Akaashi and Kenma. Y/n's bestie aka wife yukie came as well and Kiyoko. Me and Y/n were sitting next to each other Her back head laying on my shoulder while she talked to Yukie next to her, where she put her legs in Yukies lap.

'Don't ya think ya getting a bit to comfy?' I smirk at her

'I-' She was gonna start, then she looked outside to see the Tokyo tower.

training camp !! kuroo tetsuroDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora