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Silents. Everything I hear slowly becomes a blur. A chilly afternoon where I never expected myself to be in Fukurodani. A place where I see something unexpected, something that I don't know how to feel from. My feet are just glued there, stuck in there moment.

The weather is nice today...isn't it?

A nice day being destroyed by one swift movement, one movement that changed the way of the world, changed the way of my life, how come bad things come on the most beautiful days?

I got out of my trance. It seemed to be loud again. The voices weren't muffled up and was slowly becoming clear. I finally came back to real life. So this is what is feels, to taste the bittersweetness of reality. What it feels like to be heartbroken. I'm filled with bad luck, aren't I, father, mother?

Gasping while looking at Abby and Kuroo, he noticed my presence and quickly pushed her away.


'Have fun with your girlfriend Kuroo.' I say while walking away, my tears trying to force its way out of my eyes. My heart completely broken and feel no emotions in me anymore. I stare blankly into complete nothingness while I walk away from the school. Tears were slipping away but i didn't care anymore. It's all gone, my relationship with him, I can't start over anymore, I don't want to start over anymore.

Everything became muffled again. I can faintly hear footsteps following me. I past the gym and Yukie came up to me. I looked down to hide the tears, it was still noticeable. I felt everyone staring at me, asking me what's wrong but I just want to leave, leave and forget that this is all reality, forget that I'm no longer am living in a dream.

'Y/N STOP' I heard a voice behind me. So desperate. So loud. Loud enough for me to halt and stop. My head was still down, trying to process the information, my eyes widened in shock.

Something grabbed on my wrist, looking up I see Kuroo holding on my wrist, I tried to pull away but he didn't let go at all. He held on my wrist firmly.

I don't want this. I don't want him here. I want to lock myself in a room, maybe suffocate, and die.

'Y/n please just listen to me' The pleading, and sadness in his voice made me slightly less tense up.

'I don't want to talk Kuroo' I managed to say while trying to hold back tears, completely failing because tears were already streaming down my face.

I feel intoxicated when near his presence, but I can't let myself fall into his trap.

He pulled me by the wrist, even though he was sad... and slightly angry? He pulled me gently and softly.

'Kuroo what are you doing!'
'Y/n why are you crying!'
'What's going on i'm so confused'

People behind us kept asking questions and I feel suffocated just by hearing them.

'Can't you see she's uncomfortable' Kuroo yells then pulled me away, out of the school.

I don't want this.

training camp !! kuroo tetsuroWhere stories live. Discover now