Chapter 9 - Finding Deku

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1245 words
S - Shigaraki
I - Izuku
T - Toga
B - Bakugo
K - Kirishima
A - Asui

Deku was thrown down the steps of the basement stars. His sprained wrist getting damaged even more. He heard the loud stomping of his stepfather walking downstairs to go get him.

S - "YOU WERE AT THE BALL!!" He knew. He knew he had snuck out and went to the ball. But what Deku was most worried about was if he knew he was the one dancing with the prince.

I- "I-I'm sorry," he said threw the pain and tears, "but they said everyone could go."

S- "YOU DARE GO AGAINST MY DIRECT ORDERS!! HOW DARE YOU!! NOT ONLY THAT," stomping over to Deku he grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked his head up to look at him and in a low whisper said, "I know it was you that was dancing with the prince. How dare you take that from my children, you spoiled little brat. Do you think your better than them, that you deserve to be anything? Because you don't, you wretch. Your worthless, and without us, you wouldn't be alive."

With Deku's hair still in his hand, he slammed his head against the concrete flood, and let go. Deku was left curled up, sobbing on the floor, in pain and seeing spots.

S- "Children, come down here."

Dabi and Toga came down, both with huge grins in their faces. Toga laughing and dancing, singing "Dekus in trouble. Dekus in trouble." And Dabi with similar stomping of his feet and he went down the stairs.

T- "Aww, did someone disobey daddy? Hehe, your dead for taking away my prince you know that." 

S- "Children, I think we need to teach this poor wretch a lesson, don't you. Dabi, go grab some rope; Toga, go grab a long peace of cloth."

The children went of to find what they needed in the cold cellar. While Deku realize what they planned to do, he tried his best to get way. But everything was hurting and his head was pounding.

S- "Where do you think your going?" He walked over yo Deku and gave a hard kick to the stomach. Toga and Dabi came back and started twards Deku.

Deku whimpered, and tried to resist, but was grabbed forcefully. His body screaming in pain. He was dragging over to the wall, where he was gagged and was tied to an old big pipe. His arms were above his head, and his forearms, waist, and legs were tied down as well. He tried his best to resist, but he was malnourished, weak, and in so much pain.

But they weren't done with him. Toga had always had a fancy for knives, and Dabi had a lot of anger, so together the used his body as a punching bag.

As they left, they could almost hear Deku's cries to not leave him in the cold, dark cellar, but with the gag around his mouth, there was no way anyone else would hear and come help.


It's been a week since the royal ball, and things at the palace have been a bit strange. Everyone has been noticing how off-put the crown prince has been, and keeping their distance in fear of his anger.

His royal guard has been noticing how he disappears for a few hours a day, and then comes back, in a real sour mood. "Ok, Bakubro, what's been going on. Is it about your mysterious princess? I swear, we will find her."

B - "First of all, Deku is a guy, and second, if I can't find him what makes you think you will?!? I have been going to our spot, waiting, leaving a note for him, and coming back the next day, but the note is always still there!!" There was so much tension and frustration building up, he was about to explode.

K - "Ok, ok, I understand. Just calm down. I promise I'll help you find her, I mean him. Have you gone to the spot today?"

B - "Not yet, I was about to head over."

K - "All right then, let's get going."

The prince and his knight road off to the hidden oasis in the forest, in disguise. When they got there, Bakugo's note was still exactly where he left it. Untouched, the royal seal unbroken. Growling, Bakugo sat down on a root of the tree, and they both sighed in defeat.

After about two hours of waiting for Deku to show up they were about to head home when something strange happened. A strong breas blowed through the clearing bringing a stange sound with it. It sounded like an older woman singing, it was too soft to make out, but both of them could have sworn the roots underneath them moved. On a far side of the clearing the tree branches and bushes swayed opening up a path. At closer inspection, one could tell that the path was well used, and had bare feet prints going in and out of the clearing. The direction of the path went father away from the castle and town, and deeper in the woods.

Both boys looked at each other, and silently agreeing to explore. They left the oasis with their horses following behind. And it almost felt like the breeze, trees, and everything around them was pushing them forward, urging them to hurry and to be safe.

The end of the trail ended at an old mansion. At the edge of the property, behind a bush was a young maden, seeming to spy on the house and the inhabitants inside.

They tied up their horses, so as not to be seen, and crept up behind her, "What are you doing here?"

She gave a small squeak and jumped at their surprising her. "Oh, hi. Sorry, I don't mean to do anything bad. I promise. Who are you."

K - "My name is Kirishima, and this is my friend. We came from that old path way to here. What is this place, and why are you spying on it?"

A - "This is the old Madoria Mansion. I have a friend who, um, works in there? Yeah, works, and I haven't seen him for a week. I'm worried about him."

K - "Well why not go up and ask."

A - "You don't understand, I've already tried. The people that currently live there, they aren't the nicest, and they completely denied that he even existed. But I know that's he's in there, I'm trying to figure how to get inside."

B - "Hush you too." Just then, the back door opened, and two people walked out. One boy and one girl. And they were arguing.

"OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Why does daddy always make us do the chores now. Why can't he do it."

"You know why he can't."

"I know but can't we just let him out for a little bit. I'm done with doing the chores, and I want good food."

"Shut up, and stop complaining. If we finish this quickly, we can go torcher the little brat some more."

After the two finished putting some clothes on the line the two went inside.

K - "Who do you think they were talking about?"

A - "I think it was my friend. But how do we rescue him?"

B - "I have an idea, come on." And the three crept back into the forest, intended on saving their friend.

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