Chapter 1 Meet Beatrice ( AKA Busty )

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It was 8:35Am as the sun was shining and the birds were singing. As the Sun shines through the window and glows on the Face of a woman who's an Anthro crow who goes by the name of Beatrice Bloomfield. Who's has. Well she's very gifted woman. With amazing boobs that men dream suck and grope. As she gets up she let's out a loud Yawn.

Beatrice: ( Yawns and walks over to the window as she pulls the Curtains as she take a deep breath through her nose and smiles) "Ahh what a Beautiful day."

She then headed for the showers as she started to wash her body and sings

( A/N: Link to pic down below)

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After she was done with her shower she then has Quick Brush of her teeth and heads back to her bed room to get dressed as she was heading out to work.

Some time later she arrived to the tram Stop to where she waited for about 7 Minutes until it came and she climb on and it heads out. While the Tram Was driving her to her work place she pulls out head headphones and listens to some Music as she closed her eyes and Enjoys herself. How ever as she was listening to the music she was not aware that most of the guys in the said Tram were looking at her. Well not exactly her More like her Giant Mellon's that were Bouncing up and down Because the Tram Hitting small Bumps on the tracks and all the Guys were were thinking dirty thought's in there minds

( A/N : Link to pic down below)

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Random Guy : * Holy Crap Look at the size of those Milk Jugs...there freaking Huge*

Random guy 2 : * Oh Man i would give up everything in the world to feel those Milk Bombs even if it was just for a minute

One of the guys was almost Tempted to take a risk shot here and grab her boob and maybe hope she doesn't notice but as soon as he was about to do that the tram stops to Beatrice stop and he Quickly pulls away his hand and acts like nothing happened. Beatrice then opens her eyes and see her stop as she puts away her Headphones away and she gets out of the tram

Random Guy * Ahh close*

Several Minutes later after a bit more time of walking she soon arrived at her work Place. She works as a Security Guard At the Plaza Mall. She Headed to the changing room where she puts on her Security Guard Uniform But Putting on top was a bit of a Challenge Mainly Because well...Her Giant Boobs. She used all of her might to Button Her Top .

Beatrice : "Ugh Come on you stupid top" ( she keeps on trying but soon Managed to finally Button her top...Now she just has to make sure she doesn't Breath to Hard or stretch her arms) " Ugh finally"

she then headed out to do her work shift

Whole whole work day has a routine and i goes in a exact order 

( A/N : Link to pic to her work day down below)

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at 12:30 PM she gets herself a cup of coffee and walks around the mall seeing what's going on and so far nothing has happened and all was well

2:45 PM She Catches Someone who seems a Bit Underage to have smokes so she stops Him By using her Giant Boobs and pins Him again the wall

5:33 PM She Catches " Guys who were trying to shoplift and she escorted them out of the Mall By Keeping each one of her arms around there necks and keeps them in sort of a head lock but she was not aware that the guys had there heads near her boobs. However these guys aren't really Shop Lifters they only did it Because they just wanted an Excuse to feel her boobs

And it went on like this the whole day.

Some time later only a few minutes left before her work shift was over she passed by a small TV Shop where a TV was playing the news Chanelle

TV News : " Good evening everyone. Im Tom Tucker and welcome to the Channel 5 News. Today Scientist have Discovered a secret Military Base that was hidden deep underground and it is Believed to Be Hundred of thousands of years old Back when an Old species Called Humans used to live. And inside is a Still functioning Cryo Pod where it was Also Discovered that there is a Living Human. For the time Being the Cryo Pod and the human that is in said Cryo pod will be kept in a Wearhouse until the Military's forces Figure out what to do with it."

Beatrice: * Hmm A Real Life Human. I Kind of wish i could see that up close*. ( She looks down at her wristwatch and see her shift is over) " Ugh Finally work day is over

( she then stretch her arms upwards and Yawn's But that was a bad Choice Because her shirt Buttons popped off hitting everything and everyone)

( A/N : Link to pic to her work day down below)

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Random guy: "WHAT THE- AHH"


Beatrice: "Uh Oh...Time to go"

She then Quickly get the hell out of there and gets changed in the Changing room as she doesn't wanna get in trouble.

After she was done Changing her clothes she gets on the tram But she was not heading home She was heading to a Place Only she Knows. An Old Abandoned Wearhouse that No one goes there but she has secretly turned into a Base. But why you may ask yourself. Well Because she no Ordinary Bird. When its Day she's Beatrice Bloomfield Hard working woman with odd jobs. But when its Night time She is "BUSTY BIRD". Super Sexy Bad ass with her Amazing Tits as her weapons . As she puts on her Superhero Outfit and heads out. She then Climbs on a Building and Hold on the Ledge with on hand Looks out the City as the Wind Blows and her Cape sways from the Wind

( A/N : Link to pic to down below)

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Busty Bird : " Look out Evil doers of Villani...The Iron Boob Avenger of the night is out for Justice ( she hears some sounds Coming from an Ally and she heads off to Investigate) and so it Begins."



BUSTY BIRD - Busty Bird X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now