🍳Ch5 Breakfast with Busty,🍳

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As the morning Began you got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom where you shower , shaved and brushed your teeth. After you were done you then headed for the kitchen.

When you got there you saw Busty was there and she was making bacon and eggs.

You: * wait she eats egg's?....but she's a bird... isn't that like some form of canabalisam ?*... Good morning.

Busty: ( she looks over and smiles) oh good morning Y/N...I made you breakfast

You sat down and she hands you a plate

You sat down and she hands you a plate

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You: oh wow...that looks very delicious. Thanks Busty

Busty: no problem

She then sits down and she had to be. A tiny bit farther from the table on account of ...well you know. Still she managed to be able to eat her breakfast.

While you were both eating there was however a bit of a awkward silence... mainly because if two reasons 1 because you have no no idea what to say to her since your human and she's a talking bird. Not even sure how start it off. And the second reason...no matter how hard you try to look away you can't look away from her giant melons. She hasn't notice but she will eventually and she will think your a pervert.

You have to think of something to say

You: so ...uhh

She Looks up at you and has a innocent cute look on her face.

You: * Come on Y/N just think of a topic of discussion so you don't have to think about her amazing juicy tits... anything at all*....so uhh...Why do you have huge tits? ( You go wide eyed and red faced as you just realized you fucked up) * YOU IDIOT WHEN I SAID ANYTHING I DIDN'T MEAN HER TITS*...Oh no no no no I'm sorry that was a bad choice of words...I'm sorry if it's a bit straight forward but I'm just curious...you see I gave never seen a woman so....well... gifted like you is all.... actually there has never been any kind of woman in the world that has been that gifted as you....is all I'm saying * wow smooth work there pal*

When you said all this she was not fazed at all...she still had her happy innocent cute look.

Busty: oh well you see, my mother was Tit Bird and she has big boobs but they were not as big as mine. My father is a Crow but his family has this condition where some of our family members have very strong groth hormones and strong muscles. Where as in my mother's side all the female's have high hormones and the bigger the hormones the bigger the boobs....so yeah her DNA mix with dad made me what I am. Although I didn't look like this all the time. Here let me show you something ( she reached in between her boobs and pulls out a picture of herself....yeah that's where she carries all her stuff) this is me when I was 16
You looked her pic over and...she looks average here.

she looks average here

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You: wow...you look cute.

When you said that she smiles shyly and looks away with a blush

Busty: thank you.

You: so you looked like this when you were 16...how old are you Now?

Busty: 24

You: and when did your puberty hit?

Busty 17.

You: 😨....One year is all it took for you to look this hot?... Damn puberty hits hard.

Busty: yes it does....and I have noticed a lot that guy's stare at me.....( Smile's Cheeky) just like you did a few minutes ago.

You blushed hard.

Busty: what you really think I would not notice?....but relax I'm not angry....play your cards right and maybe some day you can touch them.


You both then get back to eating your breakfast


( Sorry I know this was a bit short but il make the next one longer )

BUSTY BIRD - Busty Bird X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now