Ch 9 After Date drink

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After spending the whole day on your Date with Bust you two came back home and decided to end it by having a quiet time with one another and have some wine.

Busty who was coming from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two glass sits down next to you and she pours some wine for one another.

Busty: So Y/N...are you sure you can handle this.

You: yeah sure, I like a good wine every now and then just like any other person.

Busty: well yeah but this isn't any kind of normal wine, at least not by your human standers, the Wine my people ( the Anthro people) ours is Way stronger then whatever you guys make.

You: il be fine I'm sure of it now come on pour me some.

She pours him a full glass and gives it to him...but something tells her this May take a big turn soon.

Several minutes later

After two while glass of wine your face was as red as a tomato and your drunk off your ass, but you did a good job a hiding it despite being super drunk.

You: see Busty, I can...ha-handle my drinking pretty the way what kind of wine is this, it sort of has a bit of a cherry flavor to it.

Busty: ...oh it's uhh...well it is cherry actually, and also like I said a very strong wine bottle, there was also something else about it as well but I can't remember what it was.

You: well even so, this is an amazing bottle, thank you....and no I'm not just talking about this bottle, I mean for helping me out and for letting me stay here and live with you.

Busty: was nothing really, anyone would have done what I did.

You: No no no no no did more then that, you save me, I was just a lost human. The last of my kind in a world full of Furrys...oh sorry I mean Anthros. But now I have a home and I'm a citizen here. And it's all thanks to you.

As you said that you started to feel... really warm and you moved in closer to her.

Busty: again it was nothing I...( She noticed you getting closer to her ) what uhh. What are you doing?

You: Busty can I be honest with you? Here's the thing, I really really like as in more then just a friend, I like you in a romantic kind of way. Now I know this seems super sudden and I'm sorry in advance of I'm kind of smothering with this but the truth is I have been feeling this way for a very long time.... and well, I also wanted to do this for a long time as well.

Before she could ask what you pressed your lips on her mouth ( or beak if that works) and shared a passionate kiss with her as your tongue was in her mouth exploring everything, she was shocked by this at first but she slowly started to kills back as she wrapped her arm's around you and pulls you in, all while you get Snuggled up between her giant boobs.

After about a few minutes of making out you both pulled away from iney another and looked at each other in the eyes.

Busty:... honestly Y/N...I have felt that way for you as well for quite some time, I just never really thought that you would the same way as I do... because I am Bird. And believe it or not most guys don't like girls with super giant tits that can literally send a person flying against the wall of you slammed them.

You: well I say shake on those pricks, a man who doesn't love you for who you are is a dumb ass...hell I love you for you not just your super boobs...there more of a bonus actually, but I dont care about that, even if they were the size of the moon itself, your true beauty is here ( he pointed at her heart but she miss understood you.)

Busty: My left Boob?

You: Ha ha...No silly I mean your heart, that's your true beauty there.

Busty: Aww Y/N...That's so sweet of you.

You: which is why I wanna ask you an important question.... Busty? Will you be my girlfriend?

Busty: ...You know what...yes. I will be your girlfriend.

You: Great...ok I'm feeling a bit woozy so gonna pass out ( he then leans in her and test his head in her shoulder all while Still snuggled up in her giant boobs.

Busty: Ah Jeez, I knew he was gonna pass out...but. Ahh fuck it he's cute as hell anyway

She hugs you tightly and snuggles her head onto yours.


BUSTY BIRD - Busty Bird X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now