Ch 11 Why She Mad?

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A few weeks later after the whole fiasco with the... Sleeping things went back to normal... For the most part although Busty was kind of... Well giving you the cold shoulder... Don't know why.

You were in the living room with her and you were both watching TV. But the thing is there was this tension in the air that makes you feel.. Off, You Feel like you really hurt her feelings and the guilt was starting to grow on you. Perhaps you should try to talk yo her and see what's wrong.

You : Hey... Busty?.... Is everything okay?... Between us I mean?

Busty :........

You : Look Im sorry about the things that happened, I had no idea that's how things work around here. I mean I'm still new here and... Look you have every rigth to be angry with me, But I don't wanna loose my best freind, so please tell me what can I do to make things rigth between us?

Busty : ( she looks at him)... Am I just a freind to you or more then that?

You : What?

Busty : It's a simple question and I want a simple answer... How do you really feel about me?

You : *.... Wait a second... Is she asking me to Confess?... Oh shit.... OK just be honest with her and tell her. *

You think of the words you wanna say as she waits but you started to feel nervous about this.

Your heart was beating so hard in your chest you swear it feels like it's gonna burst, your body is shaking and your breath feels like it's caught in your throat. Still you mustard the courage and speak the words.

You : I... I really like you... No I'm actually in love with you.

She looks at you and she was surpised by this as she blushed

You: Busty... You are the most beautiful and most wonderful woman I have ever met... And no it's not just because of your super huge tits. It's you the person who I met is the one that made me fall in love with you. Your kind and patient with me, you let me live here with you without asking anything in return when it would have been easy just to leave me on the streets, granted I dint know too much about you even though we have been living together for a while now. You mean a lot to me in ways you can't even imagine, I wanted to say how I feel about you when we first met but I was too scared of doing it because I figured you would reject me. I'm sorry for not saying it sooner but I do love you.... So there... That's how I truly feel about you.


You looked at her and she was smiling all while she had a small blush and tears in her eyes... Tears of joy.

You : Busty?

( she then grabs you by your shirt and pulls you in for a passionate kiss... While the rest of your body gets burried in her massive boobs)

You could not help but kiss back at her and you could feel both of your toungs were fighting for dominants.

This kiss lasted for quite some time. And you both kept going at it, Eventually you both pulled away from one another.

You : Wow... That's... That was... Wow.

Busty : ( she giggles a bit) Not one to mince words are you.

You : sorry..... I just... That was my first kiss actually.

Busty : Wait... For real?

You: Yeah.... Not gonna lie this really was... I was never popular with the lady's in all honesty.

Busty : Well I say damm them... They don't know what they were missing.

You: So then?.... Does this mean you and I are a thing now?

Busty : Well we did make out for almost half an hour.... And I can feel your Boner poking through your pants and between my boobs.

You : Oh shit... Sorry.

Busty :  Don't be... And yes we are a thing now.  Also about us sharing a bed? You can sleep on top of me with my boobs as your pillows.

You : And your OK with this?

Busty : Yes.

Some time later it was night time and you were sleeping on top of her like she was in big bed and her massive boobs were your pillows. And she was sound a sleep.

You smiled as you started to fall a sleep.

Looks like things are back to normal.


I know this was short but hey at least it's a chapter... Il make then next one longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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