Ch 7 A date with Busty PT 1

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A few weeks have passed by and you have started to have a good Life here with also got yourself a job as well. Your a work at home Photoshop illustration artist and you makes all kinds of art. Mostly the kinds of art you see in very popular comic books.

As you had just Finnish making the last image on your screen you then heard a groan and a wooden groan as well like something was getting have lived here for a while now so you know all the sounds in this house.

It was Busty struggling to get through one of the doors because her giant boobs keep getting stuck on the doorway.

As you got up you saw here there and you were right. She was definitely stuck.

You: ( teasing a bit) stuck are we?

Busty: oh ha ha... funny just like the last 36 times. Can you just help me please

You: ok ok...ok here's what I want you to do...put your hands through the door way if you can and il pull you through.

She does as she was told and managed to put her arms through. After that you then grabbed her arms and started to pull

While he was pulling bust was trying to push herself through. And she was also deep in her thoughts as well.

Busty: * sucks that I have to ask him to do this every single time for me. But what choice do I have? ..I mean sure I can use me suoer human strength to break free but I would just damage my house....and I dint want him to find out that I have superpower. I mean seriously what would his reaction be if he found out that Busty his roomate is Busty Bird?

She was then cut off from her thoughts when she felt herself slide out the doorway but she also lost her balance and falls forward on the ground with you underneath her.... getting your face crush by her melons.

She groans a bit and then looks down and sees she has fallen in you .

Busty: oh Dear God...Y/N I'm so sorry are you ok?

She the gets up but goes wide eyes at what she saw

She the gets up but goes wide eyes at what she saw

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You: ( weak groan like voice ).......I...knew that this... might... happen....and even though this hurt's a

After that she had to do the right thing and take care if you.

5 weeks later after that " Accident ". Your face wound's Heald but even still bust feels incredibly guilty about this.

Busty: Y/N I'm so very sorry about this. It's my fault you got hurt.

You: Busty please stop it ok it was an honest mistake that's all....and besides it was my fault to begin with

Busty still you would not of gotten hurt if I didn't have these massive things ( grabs her boobs) I swear sometimes these things are such a burden.... Maybe I should get a breast reduction

( Meanwhile in the real World)

Fans if Wattpad and Busty Bird: NOOOOOOO DON'T PLEASE DEAR GOD NOOO.

( Back to the story)

You: ( looks around) * huh...wierd...could have sworn I heard like a thousand people screaming in agony and complaining...ah probably Just my imagination* dint do that....look il say it again your not to blame for this. Again the fualt was mine. But listen if you really do feel guilty about this and wanna make things right then do this one small favor for me

Busty: yes yes anything you want I shall do for you

You: well if it's not too much trouble I want to uhh ( looks away with a blush on his face) well....would you like to go out on a date with me?

Busty was caught off guard there for a second....this was something she didn't expect from him. And she blushed a bit as well.

Busty: wanna go out with me?

You: be Honest with you and this may seem a bit sudden but when I first met you I sort of had a bit of a crush on you....I Know it's kind of cheese and a corny I know but I thinks your a very Interesting person

Busty: ( teasing) sure its not something else's. ( Lean's forward showing off a bit of cleavage)

You: ( laugh's a bit) no that's more of a free really want us to be more close to one another and I really like what do you say...would you like to go out with me?

Busty: I...uh sure if love to...let's say tomorrow afternoon

You :'s a date


BUSTY BIRD - Busty Bird X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now