Ch 6 Your new life starts

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After breakfast was over both you and Busty cleaned up your plates. She said it was ok and that she could do it on her own but you said no, you dint wanna he a free loader and lay around and do nothin in return for her helping you. You insist that you should help out and clean. After you were done with the dishes you and her then headed to the living room.

Busty: so y/n tell me something about yourself. Where are you from and what was Life back then... before...well me and everyone.

You: oh uhh well nothing special to be honest with you... life , civilization and humanity was pretty much the same as it is now with you....humans worked, went in vacation , made love, party and died from of old age.

Busty: so Basically like us.

You: yeah sure...but animals were just animals.

Busty: what do you mean.

You: well I mean.... please don't take it the wrong way. But in my old Life animals just made animal birds the just made Cheeping noises, and they were all on fore leg's some of them...and they didn't wear clothes, or uhh... ( looks at her boobs)....have giant tit's.

Busty: really...that's sound's a but what do you plan in doing here and now.

You: well honestly I don't Know. I mean I'm the only Human in a world filled with Anthros. If I go out there and people see me they might freak out. But I don't wanna take advantage of you.

When you said that she blush hard

Busty: wha-wha-wha-What??!!...take advantage of me??..* but we just met and we bearly know one another*

You were confused at why she was freaking out. They you go wide eyed and realized what you just said.

You: Ohhh no no no no...I didn't mean it like that I'm mean I don't wanna take advantage of your hospitality is what meant to say.

Busty and you both blush at the hug misunderstanding.

Busty: oh...oh ok I'm sorry I must have gotten the wrong Idea.

You: no no please I'm the one who should apologize. I really need to be more careful what I say.

Busty: yeah.

You: ....Yeah

Busty:.... Yeah.

And now because of this. What just happened I mean. There was uncomfortable tension in the air. You quickly think of something to say to break the Ice.

You: so I said before even if I were to go out there people would still freak out if they saw me walking around and I have no idea what they will do if they see me. They might run away or they could attack me?....I'm just not sure what to do.

Busty looks away and thinks for a second...she then gets an Idea.

Busty: actually I think I may have an idea of what to do...( She stands up....and her boobs jiggled a bit and you can't help but stare at that but don't show it) you wait here il be back in a few minutes.

She then leaves and while she was gone you take this opportunity to see what's in TV.

For the past 13 minutes as you watched TV you found out that the show's you had back in your old life were still there. Such as Netflix and all of your favourite movie's and series.

Later you heard the door to the house open and you turn off the TV to see busty enter the room again.

Busty: ( smiling) well it's all done. Made a call to a Freind and they made your citizenship here. Now you can walk around the community and no one will so much as lay a finger on you.

You: Wait really...that's amazing. What did you do it.

Busty: oh I have my ways.

That's not what really happened.

( 13 minutes earlier)

Busty: actually I think I may have an idea of what to do...( She stands up....and her boobs jiggled a bit and you can't help but stare at that but don't show it) you wait here il be back in a few minutes.

She then leaves the room but she didn't leave the house just yet. Instead she goes to her room and puts in her super hero outfit. Then sneaks outback and climbs to the top of the roof of the house as she takes a deep breath and jumps super, super high in the sky and fly's off into a direction by pushing off mid air.

She soon arrived at the one place almost no ordinary person could ever come here without causing trouble.

The White house.

As she entered she Makes her way to the president's office and fly's in

The president: what the??

Busty: Mr. President. I apologize for entering your office like this unannounced but there is something I need to discuss with you.

Several minutes later she talks it over with him and he agreed to this that she vouches for your and that your an ok but...she then gets document that are for you and she takes off heading back home.

End of flashback.

Busty: really good ways and connections.


BUSTY BIRD - Busty Bird X Male Human ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang