Vivid MV - Heejin

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-Heejin begins with a blank black and white canvas of a world. Her goal is to fill this world with color.

- So, she creates her primary colors first: Yellow (Hyunjin), Red (Kim Lip), and Blue (Jinsoul). With their help she is able to create the girls who will bring color to the world. The creation of these colors also means the creations of the emotions and connotations associated with that color, as she’s creating her own world.

- However, color isn’t just suddenly brought into the universe; the girls must first gain knowledge and find themselves in order to spread their color. This becomes a motif in many of the other girl’s music videos, specifically OEC.

- Heejin herself is represented by the color hot pink, which at first doesn’t make sense considering color theory. However, when looking at her promo for Vivid, she is always pictured in white; this symbolizes her blank canvas as well as her purity as God of this new world. It was only after she brought color into the world that she chose her color, hot pink.

- Hot Pink is associated with femininity, romance, and youth. These are key themes of the music of 1 / 3 as well as all LOONA music in general, so it makes sense that the first color introduced into the Loonaverse and the creator itself would represent these things.

 These are key themes of the music of 1 / 3 as well as all LOONA music in general, so it makes sense that the first color introduced into the Loonaverse and the creator itself would represent these things

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