So how did Vivi die?

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There’s a couple theories about this, all of which have their own evidence to back it up. Some people think Yves killed her, some people think Olivia Hye killed her. More recently people have also theorized Jinsoul killed her. One of the things that is mentioned in most of the theories about who killed Vivi is that Kim Lip may have "brainwashed" and or manipulated them into doing so.

- However I don’t think anyone killed Vivi

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- However I don’t think anyone killed Vivi. If one of the girls had killed Vivi, then they would not all unite happily like they do in Hi High. Instead, I think Vivi tried to leave Eden without eating her fruit and it had dire consequences. The Loonaverse is complicated, but its one overarching message is the importance of love, and murder just.. doesn’t really fit in that narrative.

- Here’s what I think; originally, the Eden residents included Yves, Chuu, Go Won, Vivi, and Olivia Hye. This would make yyxy into yyxyy, Vivi being the last y. This makes sense because it brings balance to the acronym with two ys on each side and anchored by Go Won’s x.

- We’ll cover this more later, but Yves from her name alone obviously shares similarities with the biblical story of Adam and Eve. Quoting BBC, she literally asks: “Is it really a bad thing to disobey God?” Vivi, another Eden girl, likes Yves and becomes her good friend. Meanwhile, Yves finds her fruit and eats it, choosing to seek knowledge. After biting the apple, Yves becomes aware of the larger
Loonaverse, and realizes that the Eden girls must reunite with the other members of Loona. Testing her theories, she sends Vivi down to Earth in hopes that she will be able to establish a connection on Earth.

- However, Yves doesn’t know that one needs to have eaten their fruit of knowledge to be capable of crossing between dimensions

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- However, Yves doesn’t know that one needs to have eaten their fruit of knowledge to be capable of crossing between dimensions. (This could also mean she quite unintentionally "killed" her) Vivi makes it to Earth, but because she hasn’t taken in her shadow self and eaten her fruit, the trip through the Loonaverse leaves her as a hollow shelf of the person she once was; an android.

- Recall this diagram of the Loonaverse planes

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- Recall this diagram of the Loonaverse planes. In order to fall from Eden, Vivi had to pass through the Cosmos, or Middle Earth, which is where she picked up her Odd Eye. More on this Odd Eye later, and why this matters.

- Now on Earth, Vivi is an android, with vague memories of her past that have been warped by travelling through the mobius strip

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- Now on Earth, Vivi is an android, with vague memories of her past that have been warped by travelling through the mobius strip. She feels drawn towards a few girls at school, though- these are the other girls of ⅓. For a reason she can’t remember, she begins to make cassette tapes where she records information about them. Her own cassette, though, is warped, because of her warped memories.

- Back on Eden, Yves has these same cassette tapes, and listens to them to find connections to the Earth girls.

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