Chapter Six - Chad

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Violet's POV
"Chad!" I called down into the echoey basement. I wanted back into my room. It had been about three weeks since he locked the door, and I missed my music and my bed; I'd been sleeping on the sofa. I had not seen Tate since, but I didn't really want to think about that. I should not have slept with him that night. Big mistake. Wrong move.
'Was it?' The voice whispered in my ear. Yes. Yes... Yes? I don't know. But it doesn't matter. I'm glad that Tate has gone. I can rebuild myself (as much as you can when you're dead) and heal. So can Tate.
"What is it? Make it quick." He didn't even look up.
"Erm... I want that key to my room. Please." That got his attention. Chad stood up and put his face close to mine.
"Are you mad? It has been so wonderful for everyone without him. Your pathetic little boyfriend can rot in hell for all I care. Oh, I forgot. He already is. And he stuck me here with him. And you. You are never getting that key... Violet? Is that your name?"
"Ye-" I began a reply.
"I don't care." He stopped me. "Now leave me, and your room, alone." What the hell is his problem?
"Tate isn't in my room. He never was when you locked it. I don't know where he has gone, or why, but because Tate's not there can I have that key? I want my music." Oops. I shouldn't have said that. Chad's face began to boil and he was shaking with anger. "WHERE IS HE!?" He shouted right in my face.
"I-I-I don't know! I just saw him walk out of the room and I've not seen I'm since then." I stutter, Chad still writhing in front of me. He let out a kind of strangled cry, and started throwing things around. Why did Tate anger him to this level? Not even my Mum or Dad hated him this much.
"LANGDON! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE BRAT!?" It al happened very quickly then. Tate appeared behind Chad, laughing. Amused by his anger. He looked at me and consoled himself. We stood there for what seemed like hours, just looking into each others eyes. How easy it was to forget the screaming man stood between us. In his anger, Chad had ripped the leather strip from his neck and thrown it on the table. I forced myself to look away from Tate, discreetly took the key and headed for my room.

At the top of the landing I froze in my footsteps. My Mum and Dad were standing outside my door, apparently talking to me. I had avoided my parents since I slapped Dad; they thought I was still in the room. My natural instinct was to make myself invisible and stay quiet. But I began to listen to what they were saying...

Tate's POV
"She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar-pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black"
I sung 'Heart Shaped Box', another Cobain. I sat with my knees to my chest, hugging them, in a dark corner of the basement that nobody knew about. I rocked backwards and forwards singing the same song over and over for what felt like weeks. I had accepted that I was insane. I had accepted that Violet would never love me.
"Chad!" Violet. Violet. Violet.
"What is it? Make it quick." He drawled. He sounded closer than I thought. I hated that man so much. I respect him for not telling anyone about our conversation, though. The one after his death. They continued their conversation as I was drawing up my revenge in my head. I was also thinking of Violet. My Violet. And how she hated me. and then suddenly -
"WHERE IS HE!?" I jumped at the sudden noise. Where is who? Everyone thought that I was locked up in Violet's room. Patrick was with Vivian. Ben in his study. The burned man... Larry I think his name was, is in the surgeon room with Charles...
Haha! The dumb idiot had finally worked out that I wasn't in Violet's room.
I appeared and laughed behind him, and noticed Violet.
We stared at each other for what felt like an age, but Violet ripped her eyes from mine and I was alone again.
Chad ruined everything. I was going to give her time, but Chad made her see me and now she'll hate me even more!

Chad's POV
I hated that twit so much. If he dares come anywhere near me I swear to god I will kill him. Again.
I couldn't breathe...
When I fell too the floor I saw Tate staring down at me, tears falling from his face. The last thing I saw was his fist and then the darkness closed in.

Tate's POV
Punch. Punch. Punch.
I just kept hitting and hitting him.
I could think only of Violet and how he destroyed everything.
He was always so rude.
Always underestimating me.
Punch. Punch. Punch.

Patrick's POV (Chad's Partner)
I wandered back into the room expecting to find Chad where I left him. You can learn to love a person, and I think that's what I had to do with him. I just-
My thoughts were interrupted by the image of the room.
Tate, leant over Chad, his blood covering the table, chair and floor. That's when it hit me. I do love Chad, and seeing him hurt hurts me. I picked up the little prick and knocked him out with one blow.
"Chad!" I began to worry; there was so much blood. I mean, I knew he would revive; he couldn't die again. But it was just a natural instinct to be worried when someone you love is hurt. I helped Chad up to Ben and Vivian's room and laid him on the bed. I cleared the blood from his face and clothes and waited by his side until he awoke.

Chad's POV
Ugh. My head. Everything was fuzzy and I was really confused. I turned my head slowly to see Patrick next to me, holding my hand. What a perfect sight. We just talked. For hours and hours, maybe even days. I put all my anger to the back of my mind and forgot about Tate.
Perhaps there was still happiness in this god forsaken situation after all.

Tate's POV
My eyes fluttered open and the shock left my brain.
He punched me.
Poor Patrick would have to pay for that. Violet would never love me; so I should stop trying to prove myself to her. Stupid girl. She can't make up her mind about a boy. How old is she? No matter how many Violets in the world, people never change. People will always be filthy scummy disgusting creatures.
I think it's time to get the skull makeup out again.

A/N - Hello :) I hope you enjoyed the most recent chapter of my story. I haven been able to post for a while because my phone has broken and it is very annoying, but I am using my sisters iPad right now. I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your lovely messages and comments asking me to continue! It really means a lot to me. I didn't think many people were interested and I got a little bored of writing something I thought nobody was reading, so thank you again. I shall write soon!

Do People Ever Change? •A Tate And Violet Fan Fiction• [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now