Chapter Nine - Disaster

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A/N: Final chapter! The summary of everything... Disclaimer: this chapter contains infrequent strong language.

Moira's POV
They came early, and woke me from my sleep.

Chad's POV
Patrick whispered that everything would be ok.

Vivian's POV
What will happen to Violet? What will happen to us?

Ben's POV
Everything will be ruined.

Tate's POV

Violets POV
We were both looking for each other. All the emotions that had built up inside didn't matter anymore. It is strange to think that we both met each other with such simple problems. Annoying parents, etc. and now we were scared because we were going to die but we were already dead... I think.
Tate! I saw him turn the corner, and we embraced.
"Hold me, tight." I told him. I didn't care about anything that had ever happened. All I wanted to know was that Tate was here with me.

Robert's POV (the man who bought the house)
"Ok everyone, listen up! I want you to start at that side!" I gestured towards the left of the house. "Work around the back from there, go through the middle of the structure and then the right side. Understood?" Everyone game a nod or a grunt. I took out the blueprints and studied the plans.


Tate's POV
I held violet close to me, her aroma hypnotising my nostrils. There was so many things I'd never got to say, but now didn't feel right. Now we just hugged. I did whisper
"I'm so sorry, Violet"
But she replied with a hush. That's when the first hit came. It smacked right into us both, knocking over each of us and causing blood to pour from numerous places on our bodies. Violet's nose was gushing. We layer together, rubble on top of us. "I love you Violet. This is all my fault."

Violets POV
"I love you Tate. I'm so glad I met you. You've shown me what real love is, I couldn't ask for more." We sounded cheesy as fuck but it didn't matter. More and more dust was collecting and more shit was piling on us. It wasn't soon until we...
I felt the tears run down my face as I felt a strange presence appear inside me.
'Are you ready, Violet?'
A cold, yet soothing voice asked in my head. At that moment I felt a long metal pipe shove itself through my stomach, causing more blood and much more pain.
'Are you ready?'


Tate's POV
"Violet I can't tell you how much you mean to me. I shouldn't have snapped. I should have kept control. I should have-"
I felt a large piece of rock fall and crack my pelvis. Squashed under the debris with Violet wasn't a nice experience, but as long as she was here, I will survive. Then, a smooth, cold stirring feeling came in my chest, and a voice whispered to me.
'Are you ready Tate?'
Death. It was him. Come to take me from the nightmare. I could see it in Violet's eyes that she was experiencing the same thing.
'Are you ready?"


I held out my hand to Violet, she squeezed it tight.

Violets POV
"Together." I replied. I saw my face smiling in the mirror, I saw myself cutting my skin. I saw myself meeting Tate and I saw myself dying.

Tate's POV
I saw myself screaming at mirrors surrounding me. I saw myself cutting others. I saw my young blonde curls on Violet. I saw myself dying.

Death's POV
Two more to the list, The suffering ends, Each other they have missed, The suffering ends.
All the rest I can claim, for my own, finally, many moons ago, there was a spirit unable to tame.
Once a psycho, always a psycho. He killed so many, he had to go.
Yet love still found him, in his darkest hour, but it overpowered him, shadow like a tower.
So many that this house was accommodating, what I'm trying to say is
Do people change? No, they're all disgusting.

A/N: Thank You for reading! Did you enjoy the end? Would you have done it differently? What about death? I'd you like his dark poem and reference to the title of the story? Please tell me below, any feedback I can use to improve my further writing! Thank you so much, I really hope you enjoyed it.

Do People Ever Change? •A Tate And Violet Fan Fiction• [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now