Chaper Eight - Everything Will Change

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A/N - Disclaimer: This chapter contains frequent strong language

Violet's POV
Ugh... I raised my hand to my head, but before it reached I noticed the dried blood covering it. The last thing I remember was shouting his name. Tate! I needed Tate... I had to talk to him about what Mum and Dad said last week outside of my bedroom door. But how did I get here? Blood was everywhere, and yet I had no wound.

After a few hours everything came back to me. I did find Tate, he was on a fucking murdering spree! Hoping to stop him, I hugged him but he shoved me away and shot dead a woman and her child... He just stared at them, then me, then he started to cry.
"You can't stay in the house, Vi! You have to go or you'll die and be stuck forever!" He screamed and shouted, and I didn't really understand him... I was already dead, already stuck. I began to back away from him, scared. He is a bad person, he hurts people, he killed a child! "I'll save you Violet." He whispered and aimed the gun at my chest.
Then I was shot. He shot me. Fuck.
I went to the bathroom to clean myself up, but Vivian was there. She gave a huge gasp as she stared in shock at the blood covering my clothes.
"Shit! Violet what the hell have you done?!"
I turned and ran back to my room, becoming invisible to Vivian.
"Violet! Violet!" She screamed after me but couldn't see me. I slammed the door and my heart was pounding and I was breathing so heavily.
"Violet, we need to talk." Said Ben, who was standing in my room waiting for me, his arms crossed.
Ugh, why are my mum and dad always interfering with my life?! It's so unfair! Why did they have to die too!? Now I'm stuck here with them, forever...

Later on in the kitchen we were having a very serious discussion. I could not have been more bored.
"Violet, you can't keep seeing Tate. It is destroying you. At first I turned a blind eye, but it's gone too far. I thought you loved him so I let it go, but you were covered in blood! What was that about? Did you have a fight? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Mum kept asking me questions, and just sat there looking at her.
"What is your problem? Why are you bullshitting me? I have rights too." And with that I disappeared and went into my room, leaving the world behind.

Tate's POV
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I had to die. I needed to be rid of this world. Violet had to be alive and not know me.

-The Next Day-

Vivian's POV

"Yes, yes come in, mind your step..." A familiar voice rang through the house, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Who was that? "Right this way, sir, yes this is the kitchen. Beautiful don't you think?" Oh dear god. It was that awful woman from the agency. She was selling the house again! I became invisible and joined them in the kitchen.
"Yes, very nice. It makes no difference to me anyway... Miss..." The skinny, bored looking man drawled.
"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand. You don't feel the interior makes a difference to the house?" She spluttered. She was everything I hated in a person.
"No, actually.. Not in this case. When I buy the land I plan to knock this down and turn it into a parking lot. People pay to park, I get rich. It's a good fucking plan - good plan, I'm sorry, excuse my language... Miss..." Shit.
"Oh, well what a wonderful idea! I wish you the best of luck, sir. Although, I am required by law to tell you that the family that previously lived here, died in the house." She looked hopeful; she didn't want the information to put him off. Fucking bitch. He didn't even blink.
"I don't care. How much?" The bastard drawled. She gave a sigh of relief and continued the conversation.
I rushed off to find Moira.

Moira's POV

I was humming to myself, cleaning up the study when Vivian burst in, looking flustered.
"Whatever is the matter?" I questioned.
"Moira, what will happen if the house is knocked down?" She spoke faster than I had ever heard anyone talk. I wasn't sure, honestly.
"Why would you want to know such a thing?" I said, not answering her question. Vivian explained to me what she had over hearted in the kitchen, and now, we belonged to a tall man, who was going to turn murder house into a parking lot. A bloody parking lot! The nerve!

Robert's POV (the man who has just bought the house)
I have made all the plans. The bulldozers will be here tomorrow to demolish the horrid building and I can expand my business. Success!

Omg :o What will happen? Will Tate make amends with Violet? All will be revealed in the next, and last chapter. Yes the LAST. I am going to work on another fanfic for the time being. But I might come back and do some AHS fanfic writing again soon. Thank you for all your lovely comments and positive vibes. Byeee :)

Do People Ever Change? •A Tate And Violet Fan Fiction• [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now