Chapter 5 - Trapped

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Violet's POV
"But Dad! I love him! Can't you understand!? You did horrible things to Mum, which I might add resulted in killing our family, and she still loves you. She forgave you. Am I not allowed to forgive Tate? I don't see how that's fair at all." It's not. There is zero fairness in this decision. He was going to lock me in my room until I learned to live without Tate. That could be years! And technically I don't need to eat, but I like to. I just enjoy food. But I don't need it. The one flaw in this crazy spirit world is we can't walk through walls. I'm not even a real ghost. I will never live with out him.
"I don't care how much you argue Violet. You don't love him. Get it into your head. Just be thankful it wasn't your mother that found you. All curled up around him like he was special. It makes me want to be sick! Do you even remember what he did to your mother?! Now, upstairs you go. Now!" We marched up the stairs in silence, and I hoped Tate was in my room so he'd lock us in together. My father went in first, shouting for Tate. When no reply came and my father had searched the room he took a small leather strip and put the key on it. He put it around his neck and leaned over to shut and lock the door. Before he could, I gathered all the anger and strength I could muster and slapped him hard around the face. To my joy, it left a large scarlet mark. He slammed the door and I heard the key click. I jumped on the bed and turned my music up as loud as it would go.
I didn't love Tate.
I did love Tate.
'No you don't.' Said the voice in my head.
I didn't love Tate.
'Yes you do.' It spoke again.
Not even my conscience has an answer.
"Vi." Oh my god. He was here. Or was it just me? "I'm so sorry for what your father is doing to you. I mean, now you're stuck in here with me." Where was he? I turned my head from side to side scanning the room for him.
"Tate? Where are you?"
"Find me."
I jumped off the bed and walked around it. I sat in the frame at the bottom, my feet brushing the carpet. I let out a scream as something cold grabbed my foot and pulled me down to the floor, but Tate crawled out from under the bed and we laughed. We mucked around in the floor poking and prodding each other, rolling around and giggling.
Tate's POV
I loved being with her this way. Just messing around laughing. We both were short of breath and I rested my head next to hers. I fiddled with her hair and traced her face with my fingers.
And then her neck.
She's dead anyway. Just squeeze and see the terror that fills her eyes and the life is drained out of her. The thing that makes you feel alive again. You've been playing the good boy act for too long. There's still a psycho inside of you. Let it out, and squeeze.
"Tate? What the hell are you doing!?" She was angry now. Confused. What came over me? I'm not really insane am I? No. This is Violet. I would never hurt her.
"I don't know. I'm sorry, Vi. Just a muscle spasm or something." I hope I saved that. "I love you." I added weakly.
"Okay... Look, Tate. I can't love you. It will just destroy my family. But I do. So much. I think." I think? I think!? What is that supposed to mean!? Violet!? What the hell!? I couldn't even open my mouth. I just made myself invisible.
"Tate? No! Don't go! Stay with me. I can't... Tate? Tate!"
Violet's POV
No. No no no. Why did I have to open my stupid mouth? I crawled on my bed, and turned the music up again. I find myself doing that a lot lately. I looked at the chalk board where his words were. 'I still love you.'
"I still love you too, Tate. But it can never work out. And I wish it could. I really do. But it can't. I'm so sorry." I didn't know what to do. I usually stayed in my room anyway, but these four walls seemed to be getting smaller by the minute. I was trapped. I needed out. I had to get outside. Breath in the fresh air. Thank god this house has a garden. I went to my door and began to bang on it with both my fists. "Dad! Dad!! I want out! I never want to see Tate Langdon ever again!" Tate heard that. "I've learned my lesson Dad! I'll never talk to him again! Please let me out!!" I gasped and caught my breath. All that shouting and pounding was tiring. The lock clicked. I spun around and hugged him-
"Chad? What the hell are you doing here? Where did you get that key?"
"He's in there isn't he? Quick get out. Go outside or wherever. Just shut up screaming." He shut and locked the door again. He turned to face me and bent down so his nose was inches from mine. "Never open that door again." I saw Tate walk down the corridor behind Chad's shoulder. I nodded my head and slowly walked away. Why did Chad hate Tate so much? I know he killed him but still. It was a loathing beyond any other kind I have known before. But I was out of that room and I could do what I wanted again. I knew that if Tate had any brains, which he does, he wouldn't come near me.
And he didn't.

A/N - Wow! Five chapters. What do you think? Ave you enjoyed my story so far? I have said before that is is my first publication so naturally it has flaws, but I hope to develop and improve them as my story lengthens. If you could take a few minutes of your time to comment your opinion I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading! Enjoy :)

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