Chapter 3: Monster

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A/n: thats matt. In the picture

Demetrie P.O.V:

i let Jay go home after our moment in the locker room, he wanted to me come along with but i have things to do, people to see. i dont want to be seen by the public just yet, they all think im dead, and my parents would go crazy, asking me were ive been, and what happend to the side of my head and i really dont know how i am alive, i should be rotting away under the willow tree but here i am al;ive and well, i feel like a monster, i sigh and mumble to myself. its time to visit our friend Matt, i smile at the ground of the forest, matt apparently gave up football this year and is a huge drugie, doesnt surprise me really he always talked about how much he just wanted to get high and wasted and he coudlnt with all the drug tests in football, but he has partys every weekend in his house, which is his parents lake side cottage they let him have. i made jay tell me alot of things before i let him go home, but that was because i needed to know where i was going to get my revenge. i hear the music before i see the house, i smile and pull up my hood effectivly covering the gaping wound on the side of my head. i walk inside the house and see drunk girls and guys dancing, laughing, making out in the corner, or sneaking up to one of the bedrooms, to do...the dirty. i quikly spot matt on the balcony outside and hes alone. perfect. i quickly make my way over to him, i close the doors seperating us from the party. "hey babe-lets go inside-to the bedrooms" he says sluggishly, probaly thinking i was the poor soul he was going to do it with tonighti smile and glare at the back of his head "or we could stay out here where its quiet" i say harshly, i see him tense up, i cant help but chuckle a bit when he does "oh good you do remember me Matt, one year is a long time, but then agian i guess you never forget the person you murder do you?" i ask, he turns around slowly and stares at me with wide eyes "y-your...your not real-i-i saw you, we buried you un-under the willow tree, you cant be real" he stuuters. i laugh and pull off my hood, he stares at the side of my head and looks back at me "oh my god. how are you..." i put up my hand to stop him. "i was going to get my revenge by ruining yopur life but it seems youve already gone and done it to yourself Matt, your a drunk drug addict that cares for noone but yourself, you killed me in cold blood and just buried me and went on to your natural life like nothing ever happened, i hear you didnt go to my funeral, why? were you to guilty, or did you just not want to miss a "killer" party" i say using quotes. he falls to his knees and cries "i-im sorry Demetrie!, i-i was scared, i didnt want to go to prison! i-i was stupid and im sorry!" i glare at him and walk up to him, i grab his throat and make him stand "shut up, your a pathetic, drunk that deserves everything coming to you, and you have alot of things comin your way so enjoy this little bit of freedom because soon im going to make your life a living hell" i say and throw him to the ground, hes still crying bbut i dont care, i throw open the doors and walk away leaving him to think about what i told him, once i have more strength ill keep my promise, and destroy his already pathetic life.

((authors note)) hey guys! so sorry for the late updates, ive been having some writers block, so i hope you enjoy this chapter, you get to see Demetries darker side of him, but next chapter will have a few flashbacks so stick around for those! stay epic!

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