Chapter 6: Lets kill tonight

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Demetrie p.o.v:
"Of corse you remember.i was actually surprised you did. It was so long ago." i say looking at him. He looks around nervously and sighs "demetrie im sorry. I-i was surprised and i- i was mad! I hated the fact that Jay was hiding a secret from me! We were best friends. Just like brothers!" he said and stuttered the last word. I scoffed and rolled my eyes "just like brothers huh. You had a brother. That looked up to you." i said angrily "your a horrible person. You arent sorry. You never were. You didn't even come to my funeral. You were to busy getting high in some junkies garage while girls threw themselves at you. You were glad i was gone." you could move on with your life knowing there wasnt another gay person in the world especially me" i sighed softly. He glared at me "you dont know anything! I didnt sleep for months! I had to take sleeping pills just to sleep and then there were the stupid nightmares! Always about you hitting that tree. You you you you! Always it was you. Your face. I saw the light leave your eyes that day. I never forgot it. Your face. The shocked look on your face and then the sad look you gave Jay. I knew you loved him at that moment and he had panic in his eyes. And i knew he loved you too." he said with hurt in his eyes. I sighed and turned away from him "i wonder what mom and dad would say. Knowing that you helped kill and bury your own brother" i said softly as i walked away holding back tears from my eyes.

((A/n)) hey guys! So yes if you didnt catch it the bully matt and the victim demetrie are brothers Dun dun dun! Yes they are so yea sorry for the late update ill try and update agian soon!

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