Chapter 8: All around me

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Demetrie p.o.v

The next two weeks were a blur. After Jays parents left we were a little busy 'catching up' we mostly did the same things during the day but at night i went to the beach house mom and dad gave to matt. I did little things to let him know i was watching. One day i would leave a football card at his door or i would take some window paint and say something on his bathroom mirror only he would understand. On the last day i took it further. His car was his baby. So i knew it would affect him the most. I slipped out of bed at about 10 like i always did and got dressed. I made sure to grab what i needed and snuck out of the back door silently. The night was colder then usual but i wouldnt let a little weather change stop me. I made the long trek to the beach house. More like lake house. I walked silently to his car. Looking up at his window i saw the light on and multiple figures in the living room. "Probaly drug dealers" i mumbled to myself and went to work.

By the time i was done it was 1 in the morning. I swiped the sweat and smiled at my work. The four tires i had slashed with a knife. The knife was then stabbed into the four doors and was left sticking out from the hood of the car with red paint around it. The words "willow tree" were painted on the roof a felt a ittle guilty for doing so much but then remembered what he did and instantly felt better. I threw the paint can and walked off proudly. I decided to go for a walk in the woods back to the lake i loved so much. Once there i sighed as i sat near the lake and went through my thoughts. Planning my next move. I wanted to make him pay for what he did. He always took away my happiness even when we were kids. Even the lake was tainted with a bad memory only him and i know of. And one secert he wanted to take to the grave.

"Come on demie you scared?" he spat at me as he pushed me towards the lake "i-i dont want to go matt! Please dont make me!" i cried. He scoffed and picked me almost throwing me in the small wooden boat. He pushed it off the shore and out into the lake. He laughed and waved mockingly from the shore as i screamed my head off and cryed. I froze in place as it reached the middle of the lake. Once it stopped moving i creid and looked for a paddle. I heard more laughing "looking for this!" he yelled and stuck the paddle in the sand "matt please help me! Im scared!" i yelled out to him. He held his hand at his ear "what did you say demeteri? I cant hear you over all your stupid crying!" he yelled laughing. I glared at him and stood up making the boat wobble and topple over sending me flying into the water. I remember opening my eyes and gasping for air. The next thing i remembered was laying on the beach with matt yelling at me not to tell mom and dad or he would throw back in the water and let me drowned and that i was lucky enough to have him to save me. I was so scared he would throw me into the water that i never spoke about it. We waited for our clothes to dry then left. Putting that day behind us forever

I sighed and wished i rememberd what happened after i fell in. But no matter how hard i tried i just couldnt. I sighed as i got up and walked away not wanting to look at the lake anymore. And i made a decision to myself. That i didnt want matt to live anymore.

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